Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Name | String | Human-readable display name of the item being requested. | [optional] |
Type | Enum [ "ACCESS_PROFILE", "ROLE", "ENTITLEMENT" ] | Type of requested object. | [optional] |
CancelledRequestDetails | AccessRequestAdminItemStatusCancelledRequestDetails | [optional] | |
ErrorMessages | []ErrorMessageDto1[] | List of localized error messages, if any, encountered during the approval/provisioning process. | [optional] |
State | RequestedItemStatusRequestState | [optional] | |
ApprovalDetails | []ApprovalStatusDto1 | Approval details for each item. | [optional] |
ManualWorkItemDetails | []ManualWorkItemDetails1 | Manual work items created for provisioning the item. | [optional] |
AccountActivityItemId | String | Id of associated account activity item. | [optional] |
RequestType | AccessRequestType | [optional] | |
Modified | System.DateTime | When the request was last modified. | [optional] |
Created | System.DateTime | When the request was created. | [optional] |
Requester | AccessItemRequester | [optional] | |
RequestedFor | RequestedItemStatusRequestedFor | [optional] | |
RequesterComment | RequestedItemStatusRequesterComment | [optional] | |
SodViolationContext | AccessRequestAdminItemStatusSodViolationContext | [optional] | |
ProvisioningDetails | RequestedItemStatusProvisioningDetails | [optional] | |
PreApprovalTriggerDetails | RequestedItemStatusPreApprovalTriggerDetails | [optional] | |
AccessRequestPhases | []AccessRequestPhases | A list of Phases that the Access Request has gone through in order, to help determine the status of the request. | [optional] |
Description | String | Description associated to the requested object. | [optional] |
RemoveDate | System.DateTime | When the role access is scheduled for removal. | [optional] |
Cancelable | Boolean | True if the request can be canceled. | [optional] [default to $false] |
ReauthorizationRequired | Boolean | True if re-auth is required. | [optional] [default to $false] |
AccessRequestId | String | This is the account activity id. | [optional] |
ClientMetadata | map[string]String | Arbitrary key-value pairs, if any were included in the corresponding access request | [optional] |
- Prepare the resource
$AccessRequestAdminItemStatus = Initialize-PSSailpoint.V2024AccessRequestAdminItemStatus -Name AccessProfile1 `
-CancelledRequestDetails null `
-ErrorMessages null `
-State null `
-ApprovalDetails null `
-ManualWorkItemDetails null `
-AccountActivityItemId 2c9180926cbfbddd016cbfc7c3b10010 `
-RequestType null `
-Modified 2019-08-23T18:52:59.162Z `
-Created 2019-08-23T18:40:35.772Z `
-Requester null `
-RequestedFor null `
-RequesterComment null `
-SodViolationContext null `
-ProvisioningDetails null `
-PreApprovalTriggerDetails null `
-AccessRequestPhases null `
-Description This is the Engineering role that engineers are granted. `
-RemoveDate 2019-10-23T00:00Z `
-Cancelable true `
-ReauthorizationRequired true `
-AccessRequestId 2b838de9-db9b-abcf-e646-d4f274ad4238 `
-ClientMetadata {key1=value1, key2=value2}
- Convert the resource to JSON
$AccessRequestAdminItemStatus | ConvertTo-JSON