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IdStringThe ID of the Access Profile[optional]
NameStringName of the Access Profile[optional]
DescriptionStringInformation about the Access Profile[optional]
CreatedSystem.DateTimeDate the Access Profile was created[optional]
ModifiedSystem.DateTimeDate the Access Profile was last modified.[optional]
DisabledBooleanWhether the Access Profile is enabled.[optional] [default to $true]
RequestableBooleanWhether the Access Profile is requestable via access request.[optional] [default to $false]
ProtectedBooleanWhether the Access Profile is protected.[optional] [default to $false]
OwnerIdStringThe owner ID of the Access Profile[optional]
SourceIdInt64The source ID of the Access Profile[optional]
SourceNameStringThe source name of the Access Profile[optional]
AppIdInt64The source app ID of the Access Profile[optional]
AppNameStringThe source app name of the Access Profile[optional]
ApplicationIdStringThe id of the application[optional]
TypeStringThe type of the access profile[optional]
Entitlements[]StringList of IDs of entitlements[optional]
EntitlementCountInt32The number of entitlements in the access profile[optional]
Segments[]StringList of IDs of segments, if any, to which this Access Profile is assigned.[optional]
ApprovalSchemesStringComma-separated list of approval schemes. Each approval scheme is one of - manager - appOwner - sourceOwner - accessProfileOwner - workgroup:<workgroupId>[optional]
RevokeRequestApprovalSchemesStringComma-separated list of revoke request approval schemes. Each approval scheme is one of - manager - sourceOwner - accessProfileOwner - workgroup:<workgroupId>[optional]
RequestCommentsRequiredBooleanWhether the access profile require request comment for access request.[optional] [default to $false]
DeniedCommentsRequiredBooleanWhether denied comment is required when access request is denied.[optional] [default to $false]


  • Prepare the resource
$AccessProfileDetails = Initialize-PSSailpoint.V2024AccessProfileDetails  -Id 2c91808a7190d06e01719938fcd20792 `
-Name Employee-database-read-write `
-Description Collection of entitlements to read/write the employee database `
-Created 2021-03-01T22:32:58.104Z `
-Modified 2021-03-02T20:22:28.104Z `
-Disabled true `
-Requestable true `
-Protected false `
-OwnerId 9870808a7190d06e01719938fcd20792 `
-SourceId 10360661 `
-SourceName AD Source `
-AppId 10360661 `
-AppName mail app `
-ApplicationId edcb0951812949d085b60cd8bf35bc78 `
-Type source `
-Entitlements [2c9180857725c14301772a93bb77242d, c9dc28e148a24d65b3ccb5fb8ca5ddd9] `
-EntitlementCount 12 `
-Segments [f7b1b8a3-5fed-4fd4-ad29-82014e137e19, 29cb6c06-1da8-43ea-8be4-b3125f248f2a] `
-ApprovalSchemes accessProfileOwner `
-RevokeRequestApprovalSchemes accessProfileOwner `
-RequestCommentsRequired true `
-DeniedCommentsRequired true `
-AccountSelector null
  • Convert the resource to JSON
$AccessProfileDetails | ConvertTo-JSON

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