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ApproverTypeEnum [ "APP_OWNER", "OWNER", "SOURCE_OWNER", "MANAGER", "GOVERNANCE_GROUP" ]Describes the individual or group that is responsible for an approval step. Values are as follows. APP_OWNER: The owner of the Application OWNER: Owner of the associated Access Profile or Role SOURCE_OWNER: Owner of the Source associated with an Access Profile MANAGER: Manager of the Identity making the request GOVERNANCE_GROUP: A Governance Group, the ID of which is specified by the approverId field[optional]
ApproverIdStringId of the specific approver, used only when approverType is GOVERNANCE_GROUP[optional]


  • Prepare the resource
$AccessProfileApprovalScheme = Initialize-PSSailpoint.V2024AccessProfileApprovalScheme  -ApproverType GOVERNANCE_GROUP `
-ApproverId 46c79819-a69f-49a2-becb-12c971ae66c6
  • Convert the resource to JSON
$AccessProfileApprovalScheme | ConvertTo-JSON

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