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Use this API to administer IdentityNow's Service Integration Module, or SIM integration with ServiceNow, so that it converts IdentityNow provisioning actions into tickets in ServiceNow.

ServiceNow is a software platform that supports IT service management and automates common business processes for requesting and fulfilling service requests across a business enterprise.

You must have an IdentityNow ServiceNow ServiceDesk license to use this integration. Contact your Customer Success Manager for more information.

Service Desk integration for IdentityNow and in deprecation - not available for new implementation, as of July 21st, 2021. As per SailPoint’s support policy, all existing SailPoint IdentityNow customers using this legacy integration will be supported until July 2022.

All URIs are relative to

MethodHTTP requestDescription
New-V2024SIMIntegrationPOST /sim-integrationsCreate new SIM integration
Remove-V2024SIMIntegrationDELETE /sim-integrations/{id}Delete a SIM integration
Get-V2024SIMIntegrationGET /sim-integrations/{id}Get a SIM integration details.
Get-V2024SIMIntegrationsGET /sim-integrationsList the existing SIM integrations.
Update-V2024BeforeProvisioningRulePATCH /sim-integrations/{id}/beforeProvisioningRulePatch a SIM beforeProvisioningRule attribute.
Update-V2024SIMAttributesPATCH /sim-integrations/{id}Patch a SIM attribute.
Send-V2024SIMIntegrationPUT /sim-integrations/{id}Update an existing SIM integration



This API is currently in an experimental state. The API is subject to change based on feedback and further testing. You must include the X-SailPoint-Experimental header and set it to true to use this endpoint.

Create a new SIM Integrations.

API Spec


Param TypeNameData TypeRequiredDescription
XSailPointExperimentalStringTrue (default to "true")Use this header to enable this experimental API.
BodySimIntegrationDetailsSimIntegrationDetailsTrueDTO containing the details of the SIM integration

Return type



CodeDescriptionData Type
200details of the created integrationServiceDeskIntegrationDto1
400Client Error - Returned if the request body is invalid.ErrorResponseDto
401Unauthorized - Returned if there is no authorization header, or if the JWT token is expired.ListAccessProfiles401Response
403Forbidden - Returned if the user you are running as, doesn't have access to this end-point.ErrorResponseDto
404Not Found - returned if the request URL refers to a resource or object that does not existErrorResponseDto
429Too Many Requests - Returned in response to too many requests in a given period of time - rate limited. The Retry-After header in the response includes how long to wait before trying again.ListAccessProfiles429Response
500Internal Server Error - Returned if there is an unexpected error.ErrorResponseDto

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json


$XSailPointExperimental = "true" # String | Use this header to enable this experimental API. (default to "true")
$SimIntegrationDetails = @"{
"cluster" : "xyzzy999",
"statusMap" : "{closed_cancelled=Failed, closed_complete=Committed, closed_incomplete=Failed, closed_rejected=Failed, in_process=Queued, requested=Queued}",
"request" : "{description=SailPoint Access Request,, req_description=The Service Request created by SailPoint ServiceNow Service Integration Module (SIM).,, req_short_description=SailPoint New Access Request Created from IdentityNow,, short_description=SailPoint Access Request $!plan.arguments.identityRequestId}",
"sources" : [ "2c9180835d191a86015d28455b4a2329", "2c5680835d191a85765d28455b4a9823" ],
"created" : "2023-01-03T21:16:22.432Z",
"name" : "aName",
"modified" : "2023-01-03T21:16:22.432Z",
"description" : "Integration description",
"attributes" : "{\"uid\":\"Walter White\",\"firstname\":\"walter\",\"cloudStatus\":\"UNREGISTERED\",\"displayName\":\"Walter White\",\"identificationNumber\":\"942\",\"lastSyncDate\":1470348809380,\"email\":\"[email protected]\",\"lastname\":\"white\"}",
"id" : "id12345",
"type" : "ServiceNow Service Desk",
"beforeProvisioningRule" : {
"name" : "Example Rule",
"id" : "2c918085708c274401708c2a8a760001",
"type" : "IDENTITY"

# Create new SIM integration

try {
$Result = ConvertFrom-JsonToSimIntegrationDetails -Json $SimIntegrationDetails
New-V2024SIMIntegration -XSailPointExperimental $XSailPointExperimental -V2024SimIntegrationDetails $Result

# Below is a request that includes all optional parameters
# New-V2024SIMIntegration -XSailPointExperimental $XSailPointExperimental -V2024SimIntegrationDetails $Result
} catch {
Write-Host $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ "Exception occurred when calling New-V2024SIMIntegration"
Write-Host $_.ErrorDetails

[Back to top]



This API is currently in an experimental state. The API is subject to change based on feedback and further testing. You must include the X-SailPoint-Experimental header and set it to true to use this endpoint.

Get the details of a SIM integration.

API Spec


Param TypeNameData TypeRequiredDescription
PathIdStringTrueThe id of the integration to delete.
XSailPointExperimentalStringTrue (default to "true")Use this header to enable this experimental API.

Return type

(empty response body)


CodeDescriptionData Type
200No content response
400Client Error - Returned if the request body is invalid.ErrorResponseDto
401Unauthorized - Returned if there is no authorization header, or if the JWT token is expired.ListAccessProfiles401Response
403Forbidden - Returned if the user you are running as, doesn't have access to this end-point.ErrorResponseDto
404Not Found - returned if the request URL refers to a resource or object that does not existErrorResponseDto
429Too Many Requests - Returned in response to too many requests in a given period of time - rate limited. The Retry-After header in the response includes how long to wait before trying again.ListAccessProfiles429Response
500Internal Server Error - Returned if there is an unexpected error.ErrorResponseDto

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json


$Id = "12345" # String | The id of the integration to delete.
$XSailPointExperimental = "true" # String | Use this header to enable this experimental API. (default to "true")

# Delete a SIM integration

try {
Remove-V2024SIMIntegration -Id $Id -XSailPointExperimental $XSailPointExperimental

# Below is a request that includes all optional parameters
# Remove-V2024SIMIntegration -Id $Id -XSailPointExperimental $XSailPointExperimental
} catch {
Write-Host $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ "Exception occurred when calling Remove-V2024SIMIntegration"
Write-Host $_.ErrorDetails

[Back to top]



This API is currently in an experimental state. The API is subject to change based on feedback and further testing. You must include the X-SailPoint-Experimental header and set it to true to use this endpoint.

Get the details of a SIM integration.

API Spec


Param TypeNameData TypeRequiredDescription
PathIdStringTrueThe id of the integration.
XSailPointExperimentalStringTrue (default to "true")Use this header to enable this experimental API.

Return type



CodeDescriptionData Type
200The DTO containing the details of the SIM integrationServiceDeskIntegrationDto1
400Client Error - Returned if the request body is invalid.ErrorResponseDto
401Unauthorized - Returned if there is no authorization header, or if the JWT token is expired.ListAccessProfiles401Response
403Forbidden - Returned if the user you are running as, doesn't have access to this end-point.ErrorResponseDto
404Not Found - returned if the request URL refers to a resource or object that does not existErrorResponseDto
429Too Many Requests - Returned in response to too many requests in a given period of time - rate limited. The Retry-After header in the response includes how long to wait before trying again.ListAccessProfiles429Response
500Internal Server Error - Returned if there is an unexpected error.ErrorResponseDto

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json


$Id = "12345" # String | The id of the integration.
$XSailPointExperimental = "true" # String | Use this header to enable this experimental API. (default to "true")

# Get a SIM integration details.

try {
Get-V2024SIMIntegration -Id $Id -XSailPointExperimental $XSailPointExperimental

# Below is a request that includes all optional parameters
# Get-V2024SIMIntegration -Id $Id -XSailPointExperimental $XSailPointExperimental
} catch {
Write-Host $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ "Exception occurred when calling Get-V2024SIMIntegration"
Write-Host $_.ErrorDetails

[Back to top]



This API is currently in an experimental state. The API is subject to change based on feedback and further testing. You must include the X-SailPoint-Experimental header and set it to true to use this endpoint.

List the existing SIM integrations.

API Spec


Param TypeNameData TypeRequiredDescription
XSailPointExperimentalStringTrue (default to "true")Use this header to enable this experimental API.

Return type



CodeDescriptionData Type
200The DTO containing the details of the SIM integrationServiceDeskIntegrationDto1
400Client Error - Returned if the request body is invalid.ErrorResponseDto
401Unauthorized - Returned if there is no authorization header, or if the JWT token is expired.ListAccessProfiles401Response
403Forbidden - Returned if the user you are running as, doesn't have access to this end-point.ErrorResponseDto
404Not Found - returned if the request URL refers to a resource or object that does not existErrorResponseDto
429Too Many Requests - Returned in response to too many requests in a given period of time - rate limited. The Retry-After header in the response includes how long to wait before trying again.ListAccessProfiles429Response
500Internal Server Error - Returned if there is an unexpected error.ErrorResponseDto

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json


$XSailPointExperimental = "true" # String | Use this header to enable this experimental API. (default to "true")

# List the existing SIM integrations.

try {
Get-V2024SIMIntegrations -XSailPointExperimental $XSailPointExperimental

# Below is a request that includes all optional parameters
# Get-V2024SIMIntegrations -XSailPointExperimental $XSailPointExperimental
} catch {
Write-Host $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ "Exception occurred when calling Get-V2024SIMIntegrations"
Write-Host $_.ErrorDetails

[Back to top]



This API is currently in an experimental state. The API is subject to change based on feedback and further testing. You must include the X-SailPoint-Experimental header and set it to true to use this endpoint.

Patch a SIM beforeProvisioningRule attribute given a JsonPatch object.

API Spec


Param TypeNameData TypeRequiredDescription
PathIdStringTrueSIM integration id
XSailPointExperimentalStringTrue (default to "true")Use this header to enable this experimental API.
BodyJsonPatchJsonPatchTrueThe JsonPatch object that describes the changes of SIM beforeProvisioningRule.

Return type



CodeDescriptionData Type
200The updated DTO containing the details of the SIM integration.ServiceDeskIntegrationDto1
400Client Error - Returned if the request body is invalid.ErrorResponseDto
401Unauthorized - Returned if there is no authorization header, or if the JWT token is expired.ListAccessProfiles401Response
403Forbidden - Returned if the user you are running as, doesn't have access to this end-point.ErrorResponseDto
404Not Found - returned if the request URL refers to a resource or object that does not existErrorResponseDto
429Too Many Requests - Returned in response to too many requests in a given period of time - rate limited. The Retry-After header in the response includes how long to wait before trying again.ListAccessProfiles429Response
500Internal Server Error - Returned if there is an unexpected error.ErrorResponseDto

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json-patch+json
  • Accept: application/json


$Id = "12345" # String | SIM integration id
$XSailPointExperimental = "true" # String | Use this header to enable this experimental API. (default to "true")
$JsonPatch = @""[\n {\n\t \"op\": \"replace\",\n\t \"path\": \"/description\",\n\t \"value\": \"A new description\"\n }\n]""@

# Patch a SIM beforeProvisioningRule attribute.

try {
$Result = ConvertFrom-JsonToJsonPatch -Json $JsonPatch
Update-V2024BeforeProvisioningRule -Id $Id -XSailPointExperimental $XSailPointExperimental -V2024JsonPatch $Result

# Below is a request that includes all optional parameters
# Update-V2024BeforeProvisioningRule -Id $Id -XSailPointExperimental $XSailPointExperimental -V2024JsonPatch $Result
} catch {
Write-Host $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ "Exception occurred when calling Update-V2024BeforeProvisioningRule"
Write-Host $_.ErrorDetails

[Back to top]



This API is currently in an experimental state. The API is subject to change based on feedback and further testing. You must include the X-SailPoint-Experimental header and set it to true to use this endpoint.

Patch a SIM attribute given a JsonPatch object.

API Spec


Param TypeNameData TypeRequiredDescription
PathIdStringTrueSIM integration id
XSailPointExperimentalStringTrue (default to "true")Use this header to enable this experimental API.
BodyJsonPatchJsonPatchTrueThe JsonPatch object that describes the changes of SIM

Return type



CodeDescriptionData Type
200The updated DTO containing the details of the SIM integration.ServiceDeskIntegrationDto1
400Client Error - Returned if the request body is invalid.ErrorResponseDto
401Unauthorized - Returned if there is no authorization header, or if the JWT token is expired.ListAccessProfiles401Response
403Forbidden - Returned if the user you are running as, doesn't have access to this end-point.ErrorResponseDto
404Not Found - returned if the request URL refers to a resource or object that does not existErrorResponseDto
429Too Many Requests - Returned in response to too many requests in a given period of time - rate limited. The Retry-After header in the response includes how long to wait before trying again.ListAccessProfiles429Response
500Internal Server Error - Returned if there is an unexpected error.ErrorResponseDto

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json-patch+json
  • Accept: application/json


$Id = "12345" # String | SIM integration id
$XSailPointExperimental = "true" # String | Use this header to enable this experimental API. (default to "true")
$JsonPatch = @""[\n {\n\t \"op\": \"replace\",\n\t \"path\": \"/description\",\n\t \"value\": \"A new description\"\n }\n]""@

# Patch a SIM attribute.

try {
$Result = ConvertFrom-JsonToJsonPatch -Json $JsonPatch
Update-V2024SIMAttributes -Id $Id -XSailPointExperimental $XSailPointExperimental -V2024JsonPatch $Result

# Below is a request that includes all optional parameters
# Update-V2024SIMAttributes -Id $Id -XSailPointExperimental $XSailPointExperimental -V2024JsonPatch $Result
} catch {
Write-Host $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ "Exception occurred when calling Update-V2024SIMAttributes"
Write-Host $_.ErrorDetails

[Back to top]



This API is currently in an experimental state. The API is subject to change based on feedback and further testing. You must include the X-SailPoint-Experimental header and set it to true to use this endpoint.

Update an existing SIM integration.

API Spec


Param TypeNameData TypeRequiredDescription
PathIdStringTrueThe id of the integration.
XSailPointExperimentalStringTrue (default to "true")Use this header to enable this experimental API.
BodySimIntegrationDetailsSimIntegrationDetailsTrueThe full DTO of the integration containing the updated model

Return type



CodeDescriptionData Type
200details of the updated integrationServiceDeskIntegrationDto1
400Client Error - Returned if the request body is invalid.ErrorResponseDto
401Unauthorized - Returned if there is no authorization header, or if the JWT token is expired.ListAccessProfiles401Response
403Forbidden - Returned if the user you are running as, doesn't have access to this end-point.ErrorResponseDto
404Not Found - returned if the request URL refers to a resource or object that does not existErrorResponseDto
429Too Many Requests - Returned in response to too many requests in a given period of time - rate limited. The Retry-After header in the response includes how long to wait before trying again.ListAccessProfiles429Response
500Internal Server Error - Returned if there is an unexpected error.ErrorResponseDto

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json


$Id = "12345" # String | The id of the integration.
$XSailPointExperimental = "true" # String | Use this header to enable this experimental API. (default to "true")
$SimIntegrationDetails = @"{
"cluster" : "xyzzy999",
"statusMap" : "{closed_cancelled=Failed, closed_complete=Committed, closed_incomplete=Failed, closed_rejected=Failed, in_process=Queued, requested=Queued}",
"request" : "{description=SailPoint Access Request,, req_description=The Service Request created by SailPoint ServiceNow Service Integration Module (SIM).,, req_short_description=SailPoint New Access Request Created from IdentityNow,, short_description=SailPoint Access Request $!plan.arguments.identityRequestId}",
"sources" : [ "2c9180835d191a86015d28455b4a2329", "2c5680835d191a85765d28455b4a9823" ],
"created" : "2023-01-03T21:16:22.432Z",
"name" : "aName",
"modified" : "2023-01-03T21:16:22.432Z",
"description" : "Integration description",
"attributes" : "{\"uid\":\"Walter White\",\"firstname\":\"walter\",\"cloudStatus\":\"UNREGISTERED\",\"displayName\":\"Walter White\",\"identificationNumber\":\"942\",\"lastSyncDate\":1470348809380,\"email\":\"[email protected]\",\"lastname\":\"white\"}",
"id" : "id12345",
"type" : "ServiceNow Service Desk",
"beforeProvisioningRule" : {
"name" : "Example Rule",
"id" : "2c918085708c274401708c2a8a760001",
"type" : "IDENTITY"

# Update an existing SIM integration

try {
$Result = ConvertFrom-JsonToSimIntegrationDetails -Json $SimIntegrationDetails
Send-V2024SIMIntegration -Id $Id -XSailPointExperimental $XSailPointExperimental -V2024SimIntegrationDetails $Result

# Below is a request that includes all optional parameters
# Send-V2024SIMIntegration -Id $Id -XSailPointExperimental $XSailPointExperimental -V2024SimIntegrationDetails $Result
} catch {
Write-Host $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ "Exception occurred when calling Send-V2024SIMIntegration"
Write-Host $_.ErrorDetails

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