Use this API to implement account aggregation progress tracking functionality. With this functionality in place, administrators can view in-progress account aggregations, their statuses, and their relevant details.
An account aggregation refers to the process Identity Security Cloud uses to gather and load account data from a source into Identity Security Cloud.
Whenever Identity Security Cloud is in the process of aggregating a source, it adds an entry to the Aggregation Activity Log, along with its relevant details. To view aggregation activity, administrators can select the Connections drop-down menu, select Sources, and select the relevant source, select its Import Data tab, and select Account Aggregation. In Account Aggregation, administrators can view the account aggregations' statuses and details in the Account Activity Log.
Refer to Loading Account Data for more information about account aggregations.
All URIs are relative to
Method | HTTP request | Description |
Get-V2024AccountAggregationStatus | GET /account-aggregations/{id}/status | In-progress Account Aggregation status |
This API is currently in an experimental state. The API is subject to change based on feedback and further testing. You must include the X-SailPoint-Experimental header and set it to true
to use this endpoint.
This API returns the status of an in-progress account aggregation, along with the total number of NEW, CHANGED and DELETED accounts found since the previous aggregation, and the number of those accounts that have been processed so far.
Accounts that have not changed since the previous aggregation are not included in totalAccounts and processedAccounts counts returned by this API. This is distinct from Accounts Scanned shown in the Aggregation UI, which indicates total accounts scanned regardless of whether they changed or not.
Since this endpoint reports on the status of an in-progress account aggregation, totalAccounts and processedAccounts may change between calls to this endpoint.
Only available up to an hour after the aggregation completes. May respond with 404 Not Found after that. required to call this API.
Param Type | Name | Data Type | Required | Description |
Path | Id | String | True | The account aggregation id |
XSailPointExperimental | String | True (default to "true") | Use this header to enable this experimental API. |
Return type
Code | Description | Data Type |
200 | An account aggregation status object | AccountAggregationStatus |
401 | Unauthorized - Returned if there is no authorization header, or if the JWT token is expired. | ListAccessProfiles401Response |
403 | Forbidden - Returned if the user you are running as, doesn't have access to this end-point. | ErrorResponseDto |
404 | Not Found - returned if the request URL refers to a resource or object that does not exist | ErrorResponseDto |
429 | Too Many Requests - Returned in response to too many requests in a given period of time - rate limited. The Retry-After header in the response includes how long to wait before trying again. | ListAccessProfiles429Response |
500 | Internal Server Error - Returned if there is an unexpected error. | ErrorResponseDto |
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
$Id = "2c91808477a6b0c60177a81146b8110b" # String | The account aggregation id
$XSailPointExperimental = "true" # String | Use this header to enable this experimental API. (default to "true")
# In-progress Account Aggregation status
try {
Get-V2024AccountAggregationStatus -Id $Id -XSailPointExperimental $XSailPointExperimental
# Below is a request that includes all optional parameters
# Get-V2024AccountAggregationStatus -Id $Id -XSailPointExperimental $XSailPointExperimental
} catch {
Write-Host $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ "Exception occurred when calling Get-V2024AccountAggregationStatus"
Write-Host $_.ErrorDetails