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Method documents provide detailed information about each API operation (or method). They describe what the method does and details its input parameters, expected return values, and any considerations to be aware of when using it.

Key Features

  • Purpose & Overview: Explains the purpose of the method and its role in the API.
  • Parameters: Describe the required input parameters, including their data types.
  • Response Format: Details the expected return format or structure.
  • Error Scenarios: Outline potential errors or issues that may arise during method execution.
  • Example: Provides a sample of how the API uses the method.

Available Methods

This is a list of the core methods available in the PowerShell SDK for V2024 endpoints:


Use this API to implement and customize dynamic role functionality. With this functionality in place, administrators can create dimensions and configure them for use throughout Identity Security Cloud. Identity Security Cloud can use established criteria to automatically assign the dimensions to qualified users. This enables users to get all the access they need quickly and securely and administrators to spend their time on other tasks. Entitlements represent the most granular level of access in Identity Security Cloud.


Workflows allow administrators to create custom automation scripts directly within Identity Security Cloud. These automation scripts respond to event triggers and perform a series of actions to perform tasks that are either too cumbersome or not available in the Identity Security Cloud UI. Workflows can be configured via a graphical user interface within Identity Security Cloud, or by creating and uploading a JSON formatted script to the Workflow service. The Workflows API collection provides the necessary functionality to create, manage, and test your workflows via REST.