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IdStringId of the Governance Group.[required]
StatusInt32The HTTP response status code returned for an individual Governance Group that is requested for deletion during a bulk delete operation. > 204 - Governance Group deleted successfully. > 409 - Governance Group is in use,hence can not be deleted. > 404 - Governance Group not found.[required]
DescriptionStringHuman readable status description and containing additional context information about success or failures etc.[optional]


  • Prepare the resource
$WorkgroupDeleteItem = Initialize-PSSailpoint.BetaWorkgroupDeleteItem  -Id 464ae7bf791e49fdb74606a2e4a89635 `
-Status 204 `
> Governance Group deleted successfully.

> Unable to delete Governance Group f80bba83-98c4-4ec2-81c8-373c00e9663b because it is in use.

> Referenced Governance Group 2b711763-ed35-42a2-a80c-8f1ce0dc4a7f was not found.

  • Convert the resource to JSON
$WorkgroupDeleteItem | ConvertTo-JSON

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