Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Id | String | The unique ID of the trigger | [required] |
VarFilter | String | JSON path expression that will limit which events the trigger will fire on | [optional] |
Description | String | Additional context about the external trigger | [optional] |
Name | String | A unique name for the external trigger | [optional] |
ClientId | String | OAuth Client ID to authenticate with this trigger | [optional] |
Url | String | URL to invoke this workflow | [optional] |
Frequency | Enum [ "daily", "weekly", "monthly", "yearly", "cronSchedule" ] | Frequency of execution | [required] |
TimeZone | String | Time zone identifier | [optional] |
CronString | String | [optional] | |
WeeklyDays | []String | Scheduled days of the week for execution | [optional] |
WeeklyTimes | []String | Scheduled execution times | [optional] |
- Prepare the resource
$WorkflowTriggerAttributes = Initialize-PSSailpoint.BetaWorkflowTriggerAttributes -Id idn:identity-attributes-changed `
-VarFilter $.changes[?(@.attribute == 'manager')] `
-Description Run a search and notify the results `
-Name search-and-notify `
-ClientId 87e239b2-b85b-4bde-b9a7-55bf304ddcdc `
-Url `
-Frequency null `
-TimeZone America/Chicago `
-CronString 0 9 * * 1 `
-WeeklyDays Monday `
-WeeklyTimes Monday
- Convert the resource to JSON
$WorkflowTriggerAttributes | ConvertTo-JSON