Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Id | String | Action ID. This is a static namespaced ID for the action | [optional] |
Name | String | Action Name | [optional] |
Type | String | Action type | [optional] |
Description | String | Action Description | [optional] |
FormFields | []WorkflowLibraryFormFields | One or more inputs that the action accepts | [optional] |
ExampleOutput | WorkflowLibraryActionExampleOutput | [optional] | |
Deprecated | Boolean | [optional] | |
DeprecatedBy | System.DateTime | [optional] | |
VersionNumber | Int32 | Version number | [optional] |
IsSimulationEnabled | Boolean | [optional] | |
IsDynamicSchema | Boolean | Determines whether the dynamic output schema is returned in place of the action's output schema. The dynamic schema lists non-static properties, like properties of a workflow form where each form has different fields. These will be provided dynamically based on available form fields. | [optional] |
OutputSchema | [SystemCollectionsHashtable] | Defines the output schema, if any, that this action produces. | [optional] |
- Prepare the resource
$WorkflowLibraryAction = Initialize-PSSailpoint.BetaWorkflowLibraryAction -Id sp:create-campaign `
-Name Create Certification Campaign `
-Type ACTION `
-Description Generates a certification campaign. `
-FormFields null `
-ExampleOutput null `
-Deprecated null `
-DeprecatedBy null `
-VersionNumber null `
-IsSimulationEnabled null `
-IsDynamicSchema false `
-OutputSchema {definitions={}, properties={autoRevokeAllowed={$id=#sp:create-campaign/autoRevokeAllowed, default=true, examples=[false], title=autoRevokeAllowed, type=boolean}, deadline={$id=#sp:create-campaign/deadline, default=, examples=[2020-12-25T06:00:00.468Z], format=date-time, pattern=^.*$, title=deadline, type=string}, description={$id=#sp:create-campaign/description, default=, examples=[A review of everyone's access by their manager.], pattern=^.*$, title=description, type=string}, emailNotificationEnabled={$id=#sp:create-campaign/emailNotificationEnabled, default=true, examples=[false], title=emailNotificationEnabled, type=boolean}, filter={$id=#sp:create-campaign/filter, properties={id={$id=#sp:create-campaign/filter/id, default=, examples=[e0adaae69852e8fe8b8a3d48e5ce757c], pattern=^.*$, title=id, type=string}, type={$id=#sp:create-campaign/filter/type, default=, examples=[CAMPAIGN_FILTER], pattern=^.*$, title=type, type=string}}, title=filter, type=object}, id={$id=#sp:create-campaign/id, default=, examples=[2c918086719eec070171a7e3355a360a], pattern=^.*$, title=id, type=string}, name={$id=#sp:create-campaign/name, default=, examples=[Manager Review], pattern=^.*$, title=name, type=string}, recommendationsEnabled={$id=#sp:create-campaign/recommendationsEnabled, default=true, examples=[false], title=recommendationEnabled, type=boolean}, type={$id=#sp:create-campaign/type, default=, examples=[MANAGER], pattern=^.*$, title=type, type=string}}, title=sp:create-campaign, type=object}
- Convert the resource to JSON
$WorkflowLibraryAction | ConvertTo-JSON