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ObjectTypeStringThe object type this configuration is for.[optional]
ReferenceExtractors[]StringList of json paths within an exported object of this type that represent references that need to be resolved.[optional]
SignatureRequiredBooleanIf true, this type of object will be JWS signed and cannot be modified before import.[optional] [default to $false]
LegacyObjectBooleanWhether this is a legacy object[optional] [default to $false]
OnePerTenantBooleanWhether there is only one object of this type[optional] [default to $false]
ExportableBooleanWhether this object can be exported or it is just a reference object[optional] [default to $false]


  • Prepare the resource
$SpConfigObject = Initialize-PSSailpoint.BetaSpConfigObject  -ObjectType TRIGGER_SUBSCRIPTION `
-ReferenceExtractors [$.owner] `
-SignatureRequired false `
-LegacyObject false `
-OnePerTenant false `
-Exportable true `
-Rules null
  • Convert the resource to JSON
$SpConfigObject | ConvertTo-JSON

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