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UuidStringSource unique identifier for the identity. UUID is generated by the source system.[optional]
IdStringSailPoint generated unique identifier.[required]
NativeIdentifierStringUnique ID of the account on the source.[required]
SourceIdStringThe ID of the source.[required]
SourceNameStringThe name of the source.[required]
IdentityIdStringThe ID of the identity that is correlated with this account.[required]
IdentityNameStringThe name of the identity that is correlated with this account.[required]
Attributes[map[string]AnyType] attributes of the account. The contents of attributes depends on the account schema for the source.[required]


  • Prepare the resource
$SourceAccountDeleted = Initialize-PSSailpoint.BetaSourceAccountDeleted  -Uuid b7264868-7201-415f-9118-b581d431c688 `
-Id ee769173319b41d19ccec35ba52f237b `
-NativeIdentifier E009 `
-SourceId 2c918082814e693601816e09471b29b6 `
-SourceName Active Directory `
-IdentityId ee769173319b41d19ccec6c235423237b `
-IdentityName john.doe `
-Attributes {firstname=John, lastname=Doe, email=[email protected], department=Sales, displayName=John Doe, created=2020-04-27T16:48:33.597Z, employeeNumber=E009, uid=E009, inactive=true, phone=null, identificationNumber=E009}
  • Convert the resource to JSON
$SourceAccountDeleted | ConvertTo-JSON

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