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NameStringname of the entitlement[optional]
ApprovedByStringentitlement approved by[optional]
ApprovedTypeStringentitlement approved type[optional]
ApprovedWhenSystem.DateTimeentitlement approved then[optional]
AttributeStringentitlement attribute[optional]
DescriptionStringdescription of entitlement[optional]
DisplayNameStringentitlement display name[optional]
IdStringsed id[optional]
SourceIdStringentitlement source id[optional]
SourceNameStringentitlement source name[optional]
StatusStringentitlement status[optional]
SuggestedDescriptionStringllm suggested entitlement description[optional]
TypeStringentitlement type[optional]
ValueStringentitlement value[optional]


  • Prepare the resource
$Sed = Initialize-PSSailpoint.BetaSed  -Name BatchInvoiceProcessing `
-ApprovedBy 2c918086-76de-afbf-0176-f6d28f65565a `
-ApprovedType admin `
-ApprovedWhen null `
-Attribute Role `
-Description This entitlement allows automated processing of invoices in batches on a scheduled basis to streamline accounts payable procedures. `
-DisplayName AWS-Cloud-Billing `
-Id ead281ee-12a9-40ac-9534-36b5d7d65d53 `
-SourceId 103f567b93ee49b991c40f9412f87643 `
-SourceName IDN Salesforce `
-Status suggested `
-SuggestedDescription This entitlement allows automated processing of invoices in batches on a scheduled basis to streamline accounts payable `
-Type group `
-Value group
  • Convert the resource to JSON
$Sed | ConvertTo-JSON

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