Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Id | String | Id of the potential role | [optional] |
Name | String | Name of the potential role | [optional] |
PotentialRoleRef | RoleMiningPotentialRoleRef | [optional] | |
IdentityCount | Int32 | The number of identities in a potential role. | [optional] |
EntitlementCount | Int32 | The number of entitlements in a potential role. | [optional] |
IdentityGroupStatus | String | The status for this identity group which can be ""REQUESTED"" or ""OBTAINED"" | [optional] |
ProvisionState | RoleMiningPotentialRoleProvisionState | [optional] | |
RoleId | String | ID of the provisioned role in IIQ or IDN. Null if this potential role has not been provisioned. | [optional] |
Density | Int32 | The density metric (0-100) of this potential role. Higher density values indicate higher similarity amongst the identities. | [optional] |
Freshness | Int32 | The freshness metric (0-100) of this potential role. Higher freshness values indicate this potential role is more distinctive compared to existing roles. | [optional] |
Quality | Int32 | The quality metric (0-100) of this potential role. Higher quality values indicate this potential role has high density and freshness. | [optional] |
Type | RoleMiningRoleType | [optional] | |
CreatedBy | RoleMiningPotentialRoleSummaryCreatedBy | [optional] | |
CreatedDate | System.DateTime | The date-time when this potential role was created. | [optional] |
Saved | Boolean | The potential role's saved status | [optional] [default to $false] |
Description | String | Description of the potential role | [optional] |
Session | RoleMiningSessionParametersDto | [optional] |
- Prepare the resource
$RoleMiningPotentialRoleSummary = Initialize-PSSailpoint.BetaRoleMiningPotentialRoleSummary -Id e0cc5d7d-bf7f-4f81-b2af-8885b09d9923 `
-Name Potential Role - e0cc5d `
-PotentialRoleRef null `
-IdentityCount 25 `
-EntitlementCount 15 `
-IdentityGroupStatus OBTAINED `
-ProvisionState null `
-RoleId 2a4be6fbcf3c4e66b95a0c15ffd591 `
-Density 90 `
-Freshness 70 `
-Quality 80 `
-Type null `
-CreatedBy null `
-CreatedDate null `
-Saved true `
-Description null `
-Session null
- Convert the resource to JSON
$RoleMiningPotentialRoleSummary | ConvertTo-JSON