Name | Type | Description | Notes |
MinEntitlementPopularity | Int32 | The minimum popularity among identities in the role which an entitlement must have to be included in the report | [optional] |
IncludeCommonAccess | Boolean | If false, do not include entitlements that are highly popular among the entire orginization | [optional] |
ExportId | String | ID used to reference this export | [optional] |
Status | RoleMiningPotentialRoleExportState | [optional] |
- Prepare the resource
$RoleMiningPotentialRoleExportResponse = Initialize-PSSailpoint.BetaRoleMiningPotentialRoleExportResponse -MinEntitlementPopularity 0 `
-IncludeCommonAccess true `
-ExportId 0c6cdb76-1227-4aaf-af21-192dbdfbfa04 `
-Status null
- Convert the resource to JSON
$RoleMiningPotentialRoleExportResponse | ConvertTo-JSON