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NameStringName of the entitlement[optional]
ApplicationNameStringApplication name of the entitlement[optional]
IdentityCountInt32The number of identities with this entitlement in a role.[optional]
PopularityDoubleThe % popularity of this entitlement in a role.[optional]
PopularityInOrgDoubleThe % popularity of this entitlement in the org.[optional]
SourceIdStringThe ID of the source/application.[optional]
ActivitySourceStateStringThe status of activity data for the source. Value is complete or notComplete.[optional]
SourceUsagePercentDoubleThe percentage of identities in the potential role that have usage of the source/application of this entitlement.[optional]


  • Prepare the resource
$RoleMiningEntitlement = Initialize-PSSailpoint.BetaRoleMiningEntitlement  -EntitlementRef null `
-Name Add/modify/delete users `
-ApplicationName AppName `
-IdentityCount 45 `
-Popularity 65.2 `
-PopularityInOrg 35.8 `
-SourceId 2c9180877620c1460176267f336a106f `
-ActivitySourceState complete `
-SourceUsagePercent 65.6
  • Convert the resource to JSON
$RoleMiningEntitlement | ConvertTo-JSON

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