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RecommendationEnum [ "true", "false", "MAYBE", "NOT_FOUND" ]The recommendation - YES if the access is recommended, NO if not recommended, MAYBE if there is not enough information to make a recommendation, NOT_FOUND if the identity is not found in the system[optional]
Interpretations[]StringThe list of interpretations explaining the recommendation. The array is empty if includeInterpretations is false or not present in the request. e.g. - [ ""Not approved in the last 6 months."" ]. Interpretations will be translated using the client's locale as found in the Accept-Language header. If a translation for the client's locale cannot be found, the US English translation will be returned.[optional]
TranslationMessages[]TranslationMessageThe list of translation messages, if they have been requested.[optional]


  • Prepare the resource
$RecommendationResponse = Initialize-PSSailpoint.BetaRecommendationResponse  -Request null `
-Recommendation true `
-Interpretations [75% of identities with the same department have this access. This information had a high impact on the overall score., 67% of identities with the same peer group have this access. This information had a low impact on the overall score., 42% of identities with the same location have this access. This information had a low impact on the overall score.] `
-TranslationMessages [{key=recommender-api.V2_WEIGHT_FEATURE_PRODUCT_INTERPRETATION_HIGH, values=[75, department]}] `
-RecommenderCalculations null
  • Convert the resource to JSON
$RecommendationResponse | ConvertTo-JSON

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