Name | Type | Description | Notes |
TrackingNumber | String | The reference number of the provisioning request. Useful for tracking status in the Account Activity search interface. | [required] |
Sources | String | One or more sources that the provisioning transaction(s) were done against. Sources are comma separated. | [required] |
Action | String | Origin of where the provisioning request came from. | [optional] |
Errors | []String | A list of any accumulated error messages that occurred during provisioning. | [optional] |
Warnings | []String | A list of any accumulated warning messages that occurred during provisioning. | [optional] |
Recipient | ProvisioningCompletedRecipient | [required] | |
Requester | ProvisioningCompletedRequester | [optional] | |
AccountRequests | []ProvisioningCompletedAccountRequestsInner | A list of provisioning instructions to perform on an account-by-account basis. | [required] |
- Prepare the resource
$ProvisioningCompleted = Initialize-PSSailpoint.BetaProvisioningCompleted -TrackingNumber 4b4d982dddff4267ab12f0f1e72b5a6d `
-Sources Corp AD, Corp LDAP, Corp Salesforce `
-Action IdentityRefresh `
-Errors null `
-Warnings null `
-Recipient null `
-Requester null `
-AccountRequests null
- Convert the resource to JSON
$ProvisioningCompleted | ConvertTo-JSON