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IdStringThe identity's unique identifier for the outlier record[optional]
IdentityIdStringThe ID of the identity that is detected as an outlier[optional]
TypeEnum [ "LOW_SIMILARITY", "STRUCTURAL" ]The type of outlier summary[optional]
FirstDetectionDateSystem.DateTimeThe first date the outlier was detected[optional]
LatestDetectionDateSystem.DateTimeThe most recent date the outlier was detected[optional]
IgnoredBooleanFlag whether or not the outlier has been ignored[optional]
Attributes[SystemCollectionsHashtable] containing mapped identity attributes[optional]
ScoreDoubleThe outlier score determined by the detection engine ranging from 0..1[optional]
UnignoreTypeEnum [ "MANUAL", "AUTOMATIC" ]Enum value of if the outlier manually or automatically un-ignored. Will be NULL if outlier is not ignored[optional]
UnignoreDateSystem.DateTimeshows date when last time has been unignored outlier[optional]
IgnoreDateSystem.DateTimeshows date when last time has been ignored outlier[optional]


  • Prepare the resource
$Outlier = Initialize-PSSailpoint.BetaOutlier  -Id 5be33d3e-c54d-4ed7-af73-2380543e8283 `
-IdentityId 5be33d3e-c54d-4ed7-af73-2380543e8283 `
-FirstDetectionDate 2021-05-01T18:40:35.772Z `
-LatestDetectionDate 2021-05-03T18:40:35.772Z `
-Ignored false `
-Attributes {displayName=John Smith, jobTitle=Software Engineer, department=Engineering} `
-Score 0.92 `
-UnignoreType MANUAL `
-UnignoreDate 2021-06-01T18:40:35.772Z `
-IgnoreDate 2021-06-01T18:40:35.772Z
  • Convert the resource to JSON
$Outlier | ConvertTo-JSON

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