Name | Type | Description | Notes |
OrgName | String | The name of the org. | [optional] |
TimeZone | String | The selected time zone which is to be used for the org. This directly affects when scheduled tasks are executed. Valid options can be found at /beta/org-config/valid-time-zones | [optional] |
LcsChangeHonorsSourceEnableFeature | Boolean | Flag to determine whether the LCS_CHANGE_HONORS_SOURCE_ENABLE_FEATURE flag is enabled for the current org. | [optional] |
ArmCustomerId | String | ARM Customer ID | [optional] |
ArmSapSystemIdMappings | String | A list of IDN::sourceId to ARM::systemId mappings. | [optional] |
ArmAuth | String | ARM authentication string | [optional] |
ArmDb | String | ARM database name | [optional] |
ArmSsoUrl | String | ARM SSO URL | [optional] |
IaiEnableCertificationRecommendations | Boolean | Flag to determine whether IAI Certification Recommendations are enabled for the current org | [optional] |
SodReportConfigs | []ReportConfigDTO | [optional] |
- Prepare the resource
$OrgConfig = Initialize-PSSailpoint.BetaOrgConfig -OrgName acme-solar `
-TimeZone America/Toronto `
-LcsChangeHonorsSourceEnableFeature false `
-ArmCustomerId DE38E75A-5FF6-4A65-5DC7-08D64426B09E `
-ArmSapSystemIdMappings [{sourceId=2c91808c791a94e501792388b0d62659, systemId=1556}, {sourceId=2_2c91808c791a94e501792388b0d62659, systemId=2_1556}, {sourceId=3_2c91808c791a94e501792388b0d62659, systemId=3_1556}] `
-ArmAuth epiYNTRYA2S7swisDWk1Zv4VMNgvqEjiBh5_ufuCWsma2m-5XADijqBg0ijXLby5nS6lxZNXabhGnAPGeDGc4V3jQKrhwV-UHypRLs8ZLgOjiQNus9NimS0uPdKomRW6TFWqXyfnYd-znNgbbVuwUy9GyD9ebDVJSntPastxSx7UcyGuWBqfNZYpuxKRWe_7TVY60qL55jUqyz8N4XUbbdcxdbZ0uik6ut-Bv90MKTbZexBW_PR4qcgIkaEs4kIenLyBxnGziYo7AO0tJ8bGHO8FJRkibCpAQIt7PISLo7Gg_Xf9j10dKq2YDgy4pPTvz3fE2ZHYnXCXvXFSA-vVag== `
-ArmDb EU `
-ArmSsoUrl https://your-arm-sso-url `
-IaiEnableCertificationRecommendations true `
-SodReportConfigs null
- Convert the resource to JSON
$OrgConfig | ConvertTo-JSON