Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Id | String | ManagedClient ID | [optional] [readonly] |
AlertKey | String | ManagedClient alert key | [optional] [readonly] |
ApiGatewayBaseUrl | String | ManagedClient gateway base url | [optional] [readonly] |
CcId | Int64 | Previous CC ID to be used in data migration. (This field will be deleted after CC migration!) | [optional] |
ClientId | String | The client ID used in API management | [required] |
ClusterId | String | Cluster ID that the ManagedClient is linked to | [required] |
Cookbook | String | VA cookbook | [optional] [readonly] |
Description | String | ManagedClient description | [required] |
IpAddress | String | The public IP address of the ManagedClient | [optional] [readonly] |
LastSeen | System.DateTime | When the ManagedClient was last seen by the server | [optional] [readonly] |
Name | String | ManagedClient name | [optional] |
SinceLastSeen | String | Milliseconds since the ManagedClient has polled the server | [optional] [readonly] |
Status | ManagedClientStatusEnum | Status of the ManagedClient | [optional] [readonly] |
Type | String | Type of the ManagedClient (VA, CCG) | [required] |
VaDownloadUrl | String | ManagedClient VA download URL | [optional] [readonly] |
VaVersion | String | Version that the ManagedClient's VA is running | [optional] [readonly] |
Secret | String | Client's apiKey | [optional] |
- Prepare the resource
$ManagedClient = Initialize-PSSailpoint.BetaManagedClient -Id aClientId `
-AlertKey anAlertKey `
-ApiGatewayBaseUrl `
-CcId 2248 `
-ClientId aClientApiId `
-ClusterId aClusterId `
-Cookbook va-cookbook-info `
-Description A short description of the ManagedClient `
-IpAddress 123.456.78.90 `
-LastSeen 2020-01-01T00:00Z `
-Name aName `
-SinceLastSeen 15000 `
-Status null `
-Type VA `
-VaDownloadUrl aUrl `
-VaVersion va-megapod-useast1-610-1621372012 `
-Secret ef878e15eaa8c8d3e2fa52f41125e2a0eeadadc6a14f931a33ad3e1b62d56381
- Convert the resource to JSON
$ManagedClient | ConvertTo-JSON