Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Id | String | System-generated unique ID of the task this taskStatus represents | [optional] |
Type | String | Type of task this task represents | [optional] |
UniqueName | String | The name of the task | [optional] |
Description | String | The description of the task | [optional] |
Launcher | String | The user who initiated the task | [optional] |
Created | System.DateTime | The creation date of the task | [optional] |
Returns | []LoadEntitlementTaskReturnsInner | Return values from the task | [optional] |
- Prepare the resource
$LoadEntitlementTask = Initialize-PSSailpoint.BetaLoadEntitlementTask -Id ef38f94347e94562b5bb8424a56397d8 `
-Type QUARTZ `
-UniqueName Cloud Group Aggregation `
-Description Aggregate from the specified application `
-Launcher John Doe `
-Created 2020-07-11T21:23:15Z `
-Returns [{displayLabel=TASK_OUT_ACCOUNT_GROUP_AGGREGATION_APPLICATIONS, attributeName=applications}, {displayLabel=TASK_OUT_ACCOUNT_GROUP_AGGREGATION_TOTAL, attributeName=total}, {displayLabel=TASK_OUT_ACCOUNT_GROUP_AGGREGATION_CREATED, attributeName=groupsCreated}, {displayLabel=TASK_OUT_ACCOUNT_GROUP_AGGREGATION_UPDATED, attributeName=groupsUpdated}, {displayLabel=TASK_OUT_ACCOUNT_GROUP_AGGREGATION_DELETED, attributeName=groupsDeleted}]
- Convert the resource to JSON
$LoadEntitlementTask | ConvertTo-JSON