Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Id | String | System-generated unique ID of the identity | [optional] [readonly] |
Name | String | The identity's name is equivalent to its Display Name attribute. | [required] |
Created | System.DateTime | Creation date of the identity | [optional] [readonly] |
Modified | System.DateTime | Last modification date of the identity | [optional] [readonly] |
Alias | String | The identity's alternate unique identifier is equivalent to its Account Name on the authoritative source account schema. | [optional] |
EmailAddress | String | The email address of the identity | [optional] |
ProcessingState | Enum [ "ERROR", "OK" ] | The processing state of the identity | [optional] |
IdentityStatus | Enum [ "UNREGISTERED", "REGISTERED", "PENDING", "WARNING", "DISABLED", "ACTIVE", "DEACTIVATED", "TERMINATED", "ERROR", "LOCKED" ] | The identity's status in the system | [optional] |
ManagerRef | IdentityManagerRef | [optional] | |
IsManager | Boolean | Whether this identity is a manager of another identity | [optional] [default to $false] |
LastRefresh | System.DateTime | The last time the identity was refreshed by the system | [optional] |
Attributes | [SystemCollectionsHashtable] | A map with the identity attributes for the identity | [optional] |
LifecycleState | IdentityLifecycleState | [optional] |
- Prepare the resource
$Identity = Initialize-PSSailpoint.BetaIdentity -Id 01f04e428c484542a241dc89c303b178 `
-Name Walter White `
-Created 2023-01-03T21:16:22.432Z `
-Modified 2023-01-03T21:16:22.432Z `
-Alias walter.white `
-EmailAddress `
-ProcessingState ERROR `
-IdentityStatus LOCKED `
-ManagerRef null `
-IsManager true `
-LastRefresh 2020-11-22T15:42:31.123Z `
-Attributes {uid=86754, firstname=Walter, cloudStatus=UNREGISTERED, displayName=Walter White, identificationNumber=86754, lastSyncDate=1470348809380, email=[email protected], lastname=White} `
-LifecycleState null
- Convert the resource to JSON
$Identity | ConvertTo-JSON