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IdStringThe unique ID of the campaign.[required]
NameStringThe name of the campaign.[required]
TypeEnum [ "CAMPAIGN" ]The type of object that is being referenced.[required]
CampaignTypeEnum [ "MANAGER", "SOURCE_OWNER", "SEARCH" ]The type of the campaign.[required]
DescriptionStringThe description of the campaign set by the admin who created it.[required]
CorrelatedStatusEnum [ "CORRELATED", "UNCORRELATED" ]The correlatedStatus of the campaign. Only SOURCE_OWNER campaigns can be Uncorrelated. An Uncorrelated certification campaign only includes Uncorrelated identities (An identity is uncorrelated if it has no accounts on an authoritative source).[required]
MandatoryCommentRequirementEnum [ "ALL_DECISIONS", "REVOKE_ONLY_DECISIONS", "NO_DECISIONS" ]Determines whether comments are required for decisions during certification reviews. You can require comments for all decisions, revoke-only decisions, or no decisions. By default, comments are not required for decisions.[required]


  • Prepare the resource
$CampaignReference = Initialize-PSSailpoint.BetaCampaignReference  -Id ef38f94347e94562b5bb8424a56397d8 `
-Name Campaign Name `
-CampaignType MANAGER `
-Description A description of the campaign `
-CorrelatedStatus CORRELATED `
-MandatoryCommentRequirement NO_DECISIONS
  • Convert the resource to JSON
$CampaignReference | ConvertTo-JSON

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