Name | Type | Description | Notes |
IdentityId | String | Identity ID for the recommendation | [optional] |
Access | AccessRequestRecommendationItemDetailAccess | [optional] | |
Ignored | Boolean | Whether or not the identity has already chosen to ignore this recommendation. | [optional] |
Requested | Boolean | Whether or not the identity has already chosen to request this recommendation. | [optional] |
Viewed | Boolean | Whether or not the identity reportedly viewed this recommendation. | [optional] |
Messages | []AccessRecommendationMessage | [optional] | |
TranslationMessages | []TranslationMessage | The list of translation messages | [optional] |
- Prepare the resource
$AccessRequestRecommendationItemDetail = Initialize-PSSailpoint.BetaAccessRequestRecommendationItemDetail -IdentityId 2c91808570313110017040b06f344ec9 `
-Access null `
-Ignored true `
-Requested true `
-Viewed true `
-Messages null `
-TranslationMessages [{key=recommender-api.V2_WEIGHT_FEATURE_PRODUCT_INTERPRETATION_HIGH, values=[75, department]}]
- Convert the resource to JSON
$AccessRequestRecommendationItemDetail | ConvertTo-JSON