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IdStringThe unique ID of the access item being requested.[required]
NameStringThe human friendly name of the access item.[required]
DescriptionStringDetailed description of the access item.[optional]
TypeEnum [ "ACCESS_PROFILE", "ROLE", "ENTITLEMENT" ]The type of access item.[required]
OperationEnum [ "Add", "Remove" ]The action to perform on the access item.[required]
CommentStringA comment from the identity requesting the access.[optional]
ClientMetadata[map[string]AnyType] customer defined metadata about the access item.[optional]
ApprovalInfo[]AccessRequestPostApprovalRequestedItemsStatusInnerApprovalInfoInnerA list of one or more approvers for the access request.[required]


  • Prepare the resource
$AccessRequestPostApprovalRequestedItemsStatusInner = Initialize-PSSailpoint.BetaAccessRequestPostApprovalRequestedItemsStatusInner  -Id 2c91808b6ef1d43e016efba0ce470904 `
-Name Engineering Access `
-Description Access to engineering database `
-Operation Add `
-Comment William needs this access to do his job. `
-ClientMetadata {applicationName=My application} `
-ApprovalInfo null
  • Convert the resource to JSON
$AccessRequestPostApprovalRequestedItemsStatusInner | ConvertTo-JSON

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