Name | Type | Description | Notes |
AccessRequestId | String | The unique ID of the access request object. Can be used with the access request status endpoint to get the status of the request. | [required] |
RequestedFor | []AccessItemRequestedForDto | Identities access was requested for. | [required] |
RequestedItems | []AccessRequestDynamicApproverRequestedItemsInner | The access items that are being requested. | [required] |
RequestedBy | AccessItemRequesterDto | [required] |
- Prepare the resource
$AccessRequestDynamicApprover = Initialize-PSSailpoint.BetaAccessRequestDynamicApprover -AccessRequestId 4b4d982dddff4267ab12f0f1e72b5a6d `
-RequestedFor null `
-RequestedItems null `
-RequestedBy null
- Convert the resource to JSON
$AccessRequestDynamicApprover | ConvertTo-JSON