Use this API to manage Launchers.
Launchers are objects that allow users to launch various tasks from ISC such as Privileged Workflows.
All URIs are relative to
Method | HTTP request | Description |
New-BetaLauncher | POST /launchers | Create launcher |
Remove-BetaLauncher | DELETE /launchers/{launcherID} | Delete Launcher |
Get-BetaLauncher | GET /launchers/{launcherID} | Get Launcher by ID |
Get-BetaLaunchers | GET /launchers | List all Launchers for tenant |
Send-BetaLauncher | PUT /launchers/{launcherID} | Replace Launcher |
Start-BetaLauncher | POST /beta/launchers/{launcherID}/launch | Launch a Launcher |
Create a Launcher with given information
Param Type | Name | Data Type | Required | Description |
Body | LauncherRequest | LauncherRequest | True | Payload to create a Launcher |
Return type
Code | Description | Data Type |
201 | Launcher created successfully | Launcher |
400 | Client Error - Returned if the request body is invalid. | ErrorResponseDto |
401 | Unauthorized - Returned if there is no authorization header, or if the JWT token is expired. | ListAccessModelMetadataAttribute401Response |
403 | Forbidden - Returned if the user you are running as, doesn't have access to this end-point. | ErrorResponseDto |
404 | Not Found - returned if the request URL refers to a resource or object that does not exist | ErrorResponseDto |
429 | Too Many Requests - Returned in response to too many requests in a given period of time - rate limited. The Retry-After header in the response includes how long to wait before trying again. | ListAccessModelMetadataAttribute429Response |
500 | Internal Server Error - Returned if there is an unexpected error. | ErrorResponseDto |
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
$LauncherRequest = @"{
"reference" : {
"id" : "2fd6ff94-2081-4d29-acbc-83a0a2f744a5",
"type" : "WORKFLOW"
"name" : "Group Create",
"description" : "Create a new Active Directory Group",
"disabled" : false,
"config" : "{\"workflowId\" : \"6b42d9be-61b6-46af-827e-ea29ba8aa3d9\"}"
# Create launcher
try {
$Result = ConvertFrom-JsonToLauncherRequest -Json $LauncherRequest
New-BetaLauncher -BetaLauncherRequest $Result
# Below is a request that includes all optional parameters
# New-BetaLauncher -BetaLauncherRequest $Result
} catch {
Write-Host $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ "Exception occurred when calling New-BetaLauncher"
Write-Host $_.ErrorDetails
Delete the given Launcher ID
Param Type | Name | Data Type | Required | Description |
Path | LauncherID | String | True | ID of the Launcher to be deleted |
Return type
(empty response body)
Code | Description | Data Type |
204 | Launcher deleted successfully | |
400 | Client Error - Returned if the request body is invalid. | ErrorResponseDto |
401 | Unauthorized - Returned if there is no authorization header, or if the JWT token is expired. | ListAccessModelMetadataAttribute401Response |
403 | Forbidden - Returned if the user you are running as, doesn't have access to this end-point. | ErrorResponseDto |
404 | Not Found - returned if the request URL refers to a resource or object that does not exist | ErrorResponseDto |
429 | Too Many Requests - Returned in response to too many requests in a given period of time - rate limited. The Retry-After header in the response includes how long to wait before trying again. | ListAccessModelMetadataAttribute429Response |
500 | Internal Server Error - Returned if there is an unexpected error. | ErrorResponseDto |
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
$LauncherID = "e3012408-8b61-4564-ad41-c5ec131c325b" # String | ID of the Launcher to be deleted
# Delete Launcher
try {
Remove-BetaLauncher -LauncherID $LauncherID
# Below is a request that includes all optional parameters
# Remove-BetaLauncher -LauncherID $LauncherID
} catch {
Write-Host $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ "Exception occurred when calling Remove-BetaLauncher"
Write-Host $_.ErrorDetails
Get details for the given Launcher ID
Param Type | Name | Data Type | Required | Description |
Path | LauncherID | String | True | ID of the Launcher to be retrieved |
Return type
Code | Description | Data Type |
200 | Launcher retrieved successfully | Launcher |
400 | Client Error - Returned if the request body is invalid. | ErrorResponseDto |
401 | Unauthorized - Returned if there is no authorization header, or if the JWT token is expired. | ListAccessModelMetadataAttribute401Response |
403 | Forbidden - Returned if the user you are running as, doesn't have access to this end-point. | ErrorResponseDto |
404 | Not Found - returned if the request URL refers to a resource or object that does not exist | ErrorResponseDto |
429 | Too Many Requests - Returned in response to too many requests in a given period of time - rate limited. The Retry-After header in the response includes how long to wait before trying again. | ListAccessModelMetadataAttribute429Response |
500 | Internal Server Error - Returned if there is an unexpected error. | ErrorResponseDto |
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
$LauncherID = "e3012408-8b61-4564-ad41-c5ec131c325b" # String | ID of the Launcher to be retrieved
# Get Launcher by ID
try {
Get-BetaLauncher -LauncherID $LauncherID
# Below is a request that includes all optional parameters
# Get-BetaLauncher -LauncherID $LauncherID
} catch {
Write-Host $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ "Exception occurred when calling Get-BetaLauncher"
Write-Host $_.ErrorDetails
Return a list of Launchers for the authenticated tenant
Param Type | Name | Data Type | Required | Description |
Query | Filters | String | (optional) | Filter results using the standard syntax described in V3 API Standard Collection Parameters Filtering is supported for the following fields and operators: description: sw disabled: eq name: sw |
Query | Next | String | (optional) | Pagination marker |
Query | Limit | Int32 | (optional) (default to 10) | Number of Launchers to return |
Return type
Code | Description | Data Type |
200 | List of Launchers | GetLaunchers200Response |
400 | Client Error - Returned if the request body is invalid. | ErrorResponseDto |
401 | Unauthorized - Returned if there is no authorization header, or if the JWT token is expired. | ListAccessModelMetadataAttribute401Response |
403 | Forbidden - Returned if the user you are running as, doesn't have access to this end-point. | ErrorResponseDto |
404 | Not Found - returned if the request URL refers to a resource or object that does not exist | ErrorResponseDto |
429 | Too Many Requests - Returned in response to too many requests in a given period of time - rate limited. The Retry-After header in the response includes how long to wait before trying again. | ListAccessModelMetadataAttribute429Response |
500 | Internal Server Error - Returned if there is an unexpected error. | ErrorResponseDto |
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
$Filters = 'disabled eq "true"' # String | Filter results using the standard syntax described in [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters]( Filtering is supported for the following fields and operators: **description**: *sw* **disabled**: *eq* **name**: *sw* (optional)
$Next = "eyJuZXh0IjoxMjN9Cg==" # String | Pagination marker (optional)
$Limit = 42 # Int32 | Number of Launchers to return (optional) (default to 10)
# List all Launchers for tenant
try {
# Below is a request that includes all optional parameters
# Get-BetaLaunchers -Filters $Filters -Next $Next -Limit $Limit
} catch {
Write-Host $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ "Exception occurred when calling Get-BetaLaunchers"
Write-Host $_.ErrorDetails
Replace the given Launcher ID with given payload
Param Type | Name | Data Type | Required | Description |
Path | LauncherID | String | True | ID of the Launcher to be replaced |
Body | LauncherRequest | LauncherRequest | True | Payload to replace Launcher |
Return type
Code | Description | Data Type |
200 | Launcher replaced successfully | Launcher |
400 | Client Error - Returned if the request body is invalid. | ErrorResponseDto |
401 | Unauthorized - Returned if there is no authorization header, or if the JWT token is expired. | ListAccessModelMetadataAttribute401Response |
403 | Forbidden - Returned if the user you are running as, doesn't have access to this end-point. | ErrorResponseDto |
404 | Not Found - returned if the request URL refers to a resource or object that does not exist | ErrorResponseDto |
429 | Too Many Requests - Returned in response to too many requests in a given period of time - rate limited. The Retry-After header in the response includes how long to wait before trying again. | ListAccessModelMetadataAttribute429Response |
500 | Internal Server Error - Returned if there is an unexpected error. | ErrorResponseDto |
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
$LauncherID = "e3012408-8b61-4564-ad41-c5ec131c325b" # String | ID of the Launcher to be replaced
$LauncherRequest = @"{
"reference" : {
"id" : "2fd6ff94-2081-4d29-acbc-83a0a2f744a5",
"type" : "WORKFLOW"
"name" : "Group Create",
"description" : "Create a new Active Directory Group",
"disabled" : false,
"config" : "{\"workflowId\" : \"6b42d9be-61b6-46af-827e-ea29ba8aa3d9\"}"
# Replace Launcher
try {
$Result = ConvertFrom-JsonToLauncherRequest -Json $LauncherRequest
Send-BetaLauncher -LauncherID $LauncherID -BetaLauncherRequest $Result
# Below is a request that includes all optional parameters
# Send-BetaLauncher -LauncherID $LauncherID -BetaLauncherRequest $Result
} catch {
Write-Host $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ "Exception occurred when calling Send-BetaLauncher"
Write-Host $_.ErrorDetails
Launch the given Launcher ID
Param Type | Name | Data Type | Required | Description |
Path | LauncherID | String | True | ID of the Launcher to be launched |
Return type
Code | Description | Data Type |
200 | Launcher launched successfully | StartLauncher200Response |
400 | Client Error - Returned if the request body is invalid. | ErrorResponseDto |
401 | Unauthorized - Returned if there is no authorization header, or if the JWT token is expired. | ListAccessModelMetadataAttribute401Response |
403 | Forbidden - Returned if the user you are running as, doesn't have access to this end-point. | ErrorResponseDto |
404 | Not Found - returned if the request URL refers to a resource or object that does not exist | ErrorResponseDto |
429 | Too Many Requests - Returned in response to too many requests in a given period of time - rate limited. The Retry-After header in the response includes how long to wait before trying again. | ListAccessModelMetadataAttribute429Response |
500 | Internal Server Error - Returned if there is an unexpected error. | ErrorResponseDto |
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
$LauncherID = "e3012408-8b61-4564-ad41-c5ec131c325b" # String | ID of the Launcher to be launched
# Launch a Launcher
try {
Start-BetaLauncher -LauncherID $LauncherID
# Below is a request that includes all optional parameters
# Start-BetaLauncher -LauncherID $LauncherID
} catch {
Write-Host $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ "Exception occurred when calling Start-BetaLauncher"
Write-Host $_.ErrorDetails