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SPConfig Template

Use SPConfig templates to perform complex import and export operations with Identity Security Cloud (ISC) configurations.

This is an example of a template file with one SPConfig template populated:

"name": "all-objects",
"description": "Export all available objects",
"variables": [],
"exportBody": {
"description": "Export all available objects",
"excludeTypes": [],
"includeTypes": [
"objectOptions": {}

This is the SPConfig template anatomy:

"name": "all-objects",

This is the SPConfig template's name.

The SPConfig template name displays in the template list when you run sail spconfig template.

You can also provide this name as an argument: sail spconfig template all-objects

        "description": "Export all available objects",

This is the SPConfig template's description.

in the sail spconfig template list

        "variables": [],

Use variables to dynamically populate values in the following content during command run time.

        "exportBody": {

The following object matches that detailed in the API docs

        "description": "Export all available objects",
"excludeTypes": [],
"includeTypes": [
"objectOptions": {}
