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Connector Executed Rules

Connector-Executed Rules or Connector Rules are rules that are executed in the Identity Security Cloud virtual appliance, and they are usually extensions of the connector itself. The rules are commonly used to perform complex connector-related functions, so they are specific to only certain connectors. Because these rules execute in the virtual appliance, they do not have access to query the Identity Security Cloud data model or fetch information from Identity Security Cloud. They rely instead on contextual information sent from Identity Security Cloud. Connector-executed rules may also have managed connections provided in their contexts to support querying end systems or sources. Though these managed connections may be used, making additional connections or call-outs is not allowed.

Unlike cloud rules, connector rules do not have a rule review process and are directly editable with the Connector Rule REST APIs. For more details, see Configuration Process.

Supported Connector Rules

Rule NameRule TypeSource Type(s)Purpose
Before Creation RuleConnectorBeforeCreateActive Directory, Azure Active DirectoryExecutes PowerShell commands on the IQService component before a source account is created.
Before Modify RuleConnectorBeforeModifyActive Directory, Azure Active DirectoryExecutes PowerShell commands on the IQService component before a source account is modified.
Before Delete RuleConnectorBeforeDeleteActive Directory, Azure Active DirectoryExecutes PowerShell commands on the IQService component before a source account is deleted.
After Creation RuleConnectorAfterCreateActive Directory, Azure Active DirectoryExecutes PowerShell commands on the IQService component after a source account is created.
After Modify RuleConnectorAfterModifyActive Directory, Azure Active DirectoryExecutes PowerShell commands on the IQService component after a source account is modified.
After Delete RuleConnectorAfterDeleteActive Directory, Azure Active DirectoryExecutes PowerShell commands on the IQService component after a source account is deleted.
Build Map RuleBuildMapDelimited FileCalculates and transforms data from a parsed file during the aggregation process. Note: This is only available for the Delimited File source type, not Generic source types.
JDBC Build Map RuleJDBCBuildMapJDBCCalculates and transforms data from a database query result during the aggregation process. It can also perform additional calls back to the database. Note: This rule is available for the JDBC Generic source, as well as other sources that derive from the JDBC connector (e.g., Oracle EBS, PeopleSoft, etc.)
JDBC Provision RuleJDBCProvisionJDBCExecutes database queries to perform provisioning of account and access for all account operations.
SAP Build Map RuleSAPBuildMapSAP HR, SAPCalculates and transforms data from SAP during the aggregation process. It can also perform additional calls back to the SAP system using SAP BAPI calls.
SAP HR Provisioning Modify RuleSapHrOperationProvisioningSAP HRPerforms SAP HR modification operations during provisioning. Often used for attribute sync to custom SAP HR attributes.
Web Services Before Operation RuleWebServiceBeforeOperationRuleWeb ServicesExecutes before the next web-services HTTP(S) operation. Often used to calculate values.
Web Services After Operation RuleWebServiceAfterOperationRuleWeb ServicesExecutes after a web-services HTTP(S) operation. Often used to parse complex data.

Configuration Process

Connector Rules are directly editable with the Connector Rule REST APIs, which provide ability to interact with rules directly.

List Connector RulesGET /beta/connector-rules/
Get Connector RuleGET /beta/connector-rules/[id]
Create Connector RulePOST /beta/connector-rules/
Update Connector RulePUT /beta/connector-rules/[id]
Delete Connector RuleDELETE /beta/connector-rules/[id]
Validate Connector RulePOST /beta/connector-rules/validate

SailPoint architectural optimizations have added resiliency and protections against malformed or long-running rules. These APIs also offer built-in protection and checking against potentially harmful code. For more information, see Rule Code Restrictions.

Connector Rule Object Model

"id": "2c91808674a2816a0174af21a6450009",
"name": "Example WebServices Rule",
"description": "This is just an example",
"created": "2020-09-21T05:27:32.170Z",
"modified": null,
"type": "WebServiceBeforeOperationRule",
"signature": {
"input": [],
"output": null
"attributes": {
"sourceVersion": "2020-09-21 05:27:31"
"sourceCode": {
"version": "2020-09-21 05:27:31",
"script": "\n import java.util.HashMap;\n import org.json.JSONArray;\n import org.json.JSONException;\n import org.json.JSONObject;\n\n import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;\n import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;\n import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;\n import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;\n import ...
requestEndPoint.getBody().put(\"jsonBody\",requestXML); \n }\n }\n }\n\"Done Ultipro Onboarding before operation rule...\");\n return requestEndPoint;\n"
  • id - Unique UUID that the REST APIs refers to this rule by. This is generated on creation.
  • name - Name the user interface and references may use to refer to this rule.
  • description - Description of the rule’s purpose or usage.
  • created - Timestamp when the rule was created.
  • modified - Timestamp when the rule was last modified. The default is null.
  • type - Type of connector rule. For a list of supported rule types, see Supported Connector Rules.
  • attributes - List of attributes.
    • sourceVersion - String indicating the rule's version. Typically, this is the same as version.
  • sourceCode - Object housing the actual source code that makes the rule work.
    • version - String indicating the rule's version. Typically, this is the same as sourceVersion.
    • script - Rule’s code the connector runs. This must be an escaped string. For help with formatting, use an escaping tool like Free Formatter.

Once a connector-related rule has been imported to your tenant, you must configure any sources that need to reference that rule during the desired operation. You can accomplish this configuration through the execution of an API call on the source. The following examples all use a PATCH operation for a partial source update, but PUT operations work too, as long as the entire source object model is provided.

For the PATCH operations, you must provide an op key. For new configurations, this key is typically set to add as the example shows, but they can be any of the following:

  • add - Add a new value to the configuration. Use this operation if this is the first time you are setting the value, i.e. it has never been configured before.
  • replace - Use this operation to change the existing value. Use this operation if you are updating the value, i.e. you want to change the configuration.
  • remove - Removes a value from the configuration. Use this operation if you want to unset a value. Caution: Removals can be destructive if the path is improperly configured. This can negatively alter your source config.

Example API calls by Rule Type

BeforeProvisioning Rule

PATCH /v3/sources/[id]

Content-Type: application/json-patch+json

"op": "add",
"path": "/beforeProvisioningRule",
"value": {
"type": "RULE",
"id": "2c918085708c274401708c2a8a760001",
"name": "Example Rule"

AfterCreate, AfterModify, AfterDelete, BeforeCreate, BeforeModify, BeforeDelete Rules

PATCH /v3/sources/[id]

Content-Type: application/json-patch+json


The value key is a list. All available AfterCreate, AfterModify, BeforeCreate, and BeforeModify rules will need to be set in the same list.

"op": "add",
"path": "/connectorAttributes/nativeRules",
"value": ["Example Rule 1", "Example Rule 2"]

Correlation Rule

PATCH /v3/sources/[id]

Content-Type: application/json-patch+json

"op": "add",
"path": "/accountCorrelationRule",
"value": {
"type": "RULE",
"id": "2c9180896fc824e5016fc827ea880005",
"name": "Example Rule"

ManagerCorrelation Rule

PATCH /v3/sources/[id]

Content-Type: application/json-patch+json

"op": "replace",
"path": "/managerCorrelationRule",
"value": {
"type": "RULE",
"id": "2c9180836fb03f35016fb05dae3b0001",
"name": "Example Rule"

BuildMap Rule

PATCH /v3/sources/[id]

Content-Type: application/json-patch+json

"op": "add",
"path": "/connectorAttributes/buildMapRule",
"value": "Example Rule"

JDBCBuildMap Rule

PATCH /v3/sources/[id]

Content-Type: application/json-patch+json

"op": "add",
"path": "/connectorAttributes/buildMapRule",
"value": "Example Rule"

JDBCProvision Rule

PATCH /v3/sources/[id]

Content-Type: application/json-patch+json

"op": "add",
"path": "/connectorAttributes/jdbcProvisionRule",
"value": "Example Rule"

SAP HR Provisioning Modify Rule

PATCH /v3/sources/[id]

Content-Type: application/json-patch+json

"op": "add",
"path": "/connectorAttributes/saphrModifyProvisioningRule",
"value": "Example Rule"

WebServiceBeforeOperation Rule

PATCH /v3/sources/[id]

Content-Type: application/json-patch+json

_Note: Replace _with the index location of operation the way it is configured on the source. For example, 0, 1, 2, etc. You can use aGETcall on the source first to verify the index location prior to executing thePATCH call to attach the rule.*

"op": "replace",
"path": "/connectorAttributes/connectionParameters/[*]/beforeRule",
"value": "Example Rule"

WebServiceAfterOperation Rule

PATCH /v3/sources/[id] Content-Type: application/json-patch+json

Note: Replace [*] with the index location of the operation the way it is configured on the source. For example, 0, 1, 2, etc. You can use a GET call on the source first to verify the index location prior to executing the PATCH call to attach the rule.

"op": "replace",
"path": "/connectorAttributes/connectionParameters/[*]/afterRule",
"value": "Example Rule"