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Common CLI Commands

Below is a list of commands and their usages:

  • Development
    • Create a connector on your local system: sail conn init "my-project"
    • Create a customizer on your local system sail conn customizers init "my-customizer-project"
    • Test your connector or customizer locally: npm run debug
  • Deployment
    • Create an empty connector in your ISC Org (used to get id so you can upload): sail conn create "my-project"
    • Create an empty customizer in your ISC Org (used to get id so you can upload): sail conn customizers create "my-customizer-project"
    • Build a project: npm run pack-zip
    • Upload your connector to your ISC Org: sail conn upload -c [connectorID | connectorAlias] -f dist/[connector filename].zip
    • Upload your customizer to your ISC Org: sail conn customizers upload -c [customizerID] -f dist/[customizer filename].zip
  • Exploring
    • List connectors in your ISC Org: sail conn list
    • List customizers in your ISC Org: sail conn customizers list
    • List source instances in your ISC Org: sail conn instances list
    • List your connector tags: sail conn tags list -c [connectorID | connectorAlias]
  • Testing and Debugging
    • Test your connector on the ISC Org: sail connectors invoke [action] -c [connectorID | connectorAlias] -p config.json
    • Get a list of actions: sail conn invoke -h
    • Run read-only integration tests against your connector: sail conn validate -p config.json -c [connectorID | connectorAlias] -r
    • Tail ISC Org connector logs: sail conn logs tail
  • Delete
    • Delete a connector: sail conn delete -c [connectorID | connectorAlias]
  • Linking
    • Link a customizer to your source instance: sail conn customizers link -i [sourceInstanceID] -c [customizerID]