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Account Enable

Input/OutputData Type
Input - EnableStdAccountEnableInput
Output - EnableStdAccountEnableOutput

Example StdAccountEnableInput

"key": {
"simple": {
"id": "john.doe"

Example StdAccountEnableOutput

"identity": "john.doe",
"key": {
"simple": {
"id": "john.doe"
"disabled": false,
"locked": false,
"attributes": {
"id": "john.doe",
"displayName": "John Doe",
"email": "[email protected]",
"entitlements": [


You typically invoke the account enable command during the joiner, mover, leaver (JML) lifecycle. An identity’s rejoining the organization or move to a role that grants access to a previously disabled account triggers the account enable command.

To use this command, you must specify this value in the commands array: std:account:enable

Implementing account enable is similar to implementing the account update command. If you have implemented your source call to modify any of the values on your source, then you can use the same method to implement the command. The following code implements enable:

.stdAccountEnable(async (context: Context, input: StdAccountEnableInput, res: Response<StdAccountEnableOutput>) => {
let account = await airtable.getAccount(input.key)
const change: AttributeChange = {
op: AttributeChangeOp.Set,
attribute: 'enabled',
value: 'true'
account = await airtable.changeAccount(account, change)