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List Password Policies



This gets list of all Password Policies. Requires role of ORG_ADMIN


Query Parameters

    limit int32

    Possible values: <= 250

    Default value: 250

    Max number of results to return. See V3 API Standard Collection Parameters for more information.

    Example: 250
    offset int32

    Default value: 0

    Offset into the full result set. Usually specified with limit to paginate through the results. See V3 API Standard Collection Parameters for more information.

    Example: 0
    count boolean

    If true it will populate the X-Total-Count response header with the number of results that would be returned if limit and offset were ignored.

    Since requesting a total count can have a performance impact, it is recommended not to send count=true if that value will not be used.

    See V3 API Standard Collection Parameters for more information.

    Example: true


List of all Password Policies.


  • Array [

  • id string

    The password policy Id.

    description stringnullable

    Description for current password policy.

    name string

    The name of the password policy.

    dateCreated date-time

    Date the Password Policy was created.

    lastUpdated date-timenullable

    Date the Password Policy was updated.

    firstExpirationReminder int64

    The number of days before expiration remaninder.

    accountIdMinWordLength int64

    The minimun length of account Id. By default is equals to -1.

    accountNameMinWordLength int64

    The minimun length of account name. By default is equals to -1.

    minAlpha int64

    Maximum alpha. By default is equals to 0.

    minCharacterTypes int64

    MinCharacterTypes. By default is equals to -1.

    maxLength int64

    Maximum length of the password.

    minLength int64

    Minimum length of the password. By default is equals to 0.

    maxRepeatedChars int64

    Maximum repetition of the same character in the password. By default is equals to -1.

    minLower int64

    Minimum amount of lower case character in the password. By default is equals to 0.

    minNumeric int64

    Minimum amount of numeric characters in the password. By default is equals to 0.

    minSpecial int64

    Minimum amount of special symbols in the password. By default is equals to 0.

    minUpper int64

    Minimum amount of upper case symbols in the password. By default is equals to 0.

    passwordExpiration int64

    Number of days before current password expires. By default is equals to 90.

    defaultPolicy boolean

    Defines whether this policy is default or not. Default policy is created automatically when an org is setup. This field is false by default.

    enablePasswdExpiration boolean

    Defines whether this policy is enabled to expire or not. This field is false by default.

    requireStrongAuthn boolean

    Defines whether this policy require strong Auth or not. This field is false by default.

    requireStrongAuthOffNetwork boolean

    Defines whether this policy require strong Auth of network or not. This field is false by default.

    requireStrongAuthUntrustedGeographies boolean

    Defines whether this policy require strong Auth for untrusted geographies. This field is false by default.

    useAccountAttributes boolean

    Defines whether this policy uses account attributes or not. This field is false by default.

    useDictionary boolean

    Defines whether this policy uses dictionary or not. This field is false by default.

    useIdentityAttributes boolean

    Defines whether this policy uses identity attributes or not. This field is false by default.

    validateAgainstAccountId boolean

    Defines whether this policy validate against account id or not. This field is false by default.

    validateAgainstAccountName boolean

    Defines whether this policy validate against account name or not. This field is false by default.

    created stringnullable
    modified stringnullable
    sourceIds string[]

    List of sources IDs managed by this password policy.

  • ]
