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Get a Non-Employee Source



This gets a non-employee source. There are two contextual uses for the requested-for path parameter:

  1. The user has the role context of idn:nesr:read, in which case he or she may request any source.
  2. The current user is an account manager, in which case the user can only request sources that they own.


Path Parameters

    sourceId stringrequired

    Source Id

    Example: 2c91808b7c28b350017c2a2ec5790aa1


Non-Employee source object.


    id UUID

    Non-Employee source id.

    sourceId string

    Source Id associated with this non-employee source.

    name string

    Source name associated with this non-employee source.

    description string

    Source description associated with this non-employee source.



    List of approvers

  • Array [

  • type NonEmployeeIdentityDtoType (string)

    Possible values: [GOVERNANCE_GROUP, IDENTITY]

    Identifies if the identity is a normal identity or a governance group

    id string

    Identity id

  • ]

  • accountManagers


    List of account managers

  • Array [

  • type NonEmployeeIdentityDtoType (string)

    Possible values: [GOVERNANCE_GROUP, IDENTITY]

    Identifies if the identity is a normal identity or a governance group

    id string

    Identity id

  • ]

  • modified date-time

    When the request was last modified.

    created date-time

    When the request was created.
