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Summary of Certification Decisions



This API returns a summary of the decisions made on an identity campaign certification. The decisions are summarized by type. A token with ORG_ADMIN or CERT_ADMIN authority is required to call this API. Reviewers for this certification can also call this API.


Path Parameters

    id stringrequired

    The certification ID

    Example: ef38f94347e94562b5bb8424a56397d8

Query Parameters

    filters string

    Filter results using the standard syntax described in V3 API Standard Collection Parameters

    Filtering is supported for the following fields and operators: eq, in

    Example: eq "ef38f94347e94562b5bb8424a56397d8"


Summary of the decisions made


    entitlementDecisionsMade int32

    Number of entitlement decisions that have been made

    accessProfileDecisionsMade int32

    Number of access profile decisions that have been made

    roleDecisionsMade int32

    Number of role decisions that have been made

    accountDecisionsMade int32

    Number of account decisions that have been made

    entitlementDecisionsTotal int32

    The total number of entitlement decisions on the certification, both complete and incomplete

    accessProfileDecisionsTotal int32

    The total number of access profile decisions on the certification, both complete and incomplete

    roleDecisionsTotal int32

    The total number of role decisions on the certification, both complete and incomplete

    accountDecisionsTotal int32

    The total number of account decisions on the certification, both complete and incomplete

    entitlementsApproved int32

    The number of entitlement decisions that have been made which were approved

    entitlementsRevoked int32

    The number of entitlement decisions that have been made which were revoked

    accessProfilesApproved int32

    The number of access profile decisions that have been made which were approved

    accessProfilesRevoked int32

    The number of access profile decisions that have been made which were revoked

    rolesApproved int32

    The number of role decisions that have been made which were approved

    rolesRevoked int32

    The number of role decisions that have been made which were revoked

    accountsApproved int32

    The number of account decisions that have been made which were approved

    accountsRevoked int32

    The number of account decisions that have been made which were revoked
