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Get a Document by ID



Fetches a single document from the specified index, using the specified document ID.


Path Parameters

    index stringrequired

    The index from which to fetch the specified document.

    The currently supported index names are: accessprofiles, accountactivities, entitlements, events, identities, and roles.

    Example: accounts
    id stringrequired

    ID of the requested document.

    Example: 2c91808568c529c60168cca6f90c1313


The requested document.



    More complete representation of an access profile.

    id stringrequired

    The unique ID of the referenced object.

    name stringrequired

    The human readable name of the referenced object.

    description string

    Access item's description.

    created date-timenullable

    ISO-8601 date-time referring to the time when the object was created.

    modified date-timenullable

    ISO-8601 date-time referring to the time when the object was last modified.

    synced date-timenullable

    ISO-8601 date-time referring to the date-time when object was queued to be synced into search database for use in the search API.
    This date-time changes anytime there is an update to the object, which triggers a synchronization event being sent to the search database. There may be some delay between the synced time and the time when the updated data is actually available in the search API.

    enabled boolean

    Indicates whether the access item is currently enabled.

    requestable boolean

    Default value: true

    Indicates whether the access item can be requested.

    requestCommentsRequired boolean

    Indicates whether comments are required for requests to access the item.



    Owner's identity.

    type string

    Possible values: [IDENTITY]

    Owner's DTO type.

    id string

    Owner's identity ID.

    name string

    Owner's display name.

    email string

    Owner's email.

    _type stringrequired

    Possible values: [accessprofile, accountactivity, account, aggregation, entitlement, event, identity, role]

    Access profile's document type. This enum represents the currently supported document types. Additional values may be added in the future without notice.



    Access profile's source.

    id string

    Source's ID.

    name string

    Source's name.



    Entitlements the access profile has access to.

  • Array [

  • hasPermissions boolean

    Indicates whether the entitlement has permissions.

    description string

    Entitlement's description.

    attribute string

    Entitlement attribute's name.

    value string

    Entitlement's value.

    schema string

    Entitlement's schema.

    privileged boolean

    Indicates whether the entitlement is privileged.

    id string

    Entitlement's ID.

    name string

    Entitlement's name.

  • ]

  • entitlementCount integer

    Number of entitlements.

    tags string[]

    Tags that have been applied to the object.
