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Uploads a backup file



This post will upload a JSON backup file into a tenant. Configuration files can be managed and deployed via Configuration Hub by uploading a json file which contains configuration data. The JSON file should be the same as the one used by our import endpoints. The object types that currently support by upload file functionality are the same as the ones supported by our regular backup functionality. here: SaaS Configuration.

The request will need the following security scope:

  • sp:config:manage




The body will consist of "data" which should contain the json file and name wish should be the name you want to assign to the uploaded file"


data: "uploaded.json", name: "A_NEW_UPLOADED_BACKUP"

Sample Upload File

{ "version": 1, "tenant": "a-sample-tenant", "objects": [ { "version": 1, "self": { "id": "0a59c7196d2917f8aa6d29686e6600fb", "type": "SOURCE", "name": "Extended Form" }, "object": { "id": "0a59c7196d2917f8aa6d29686e6600fb", "name": "Extended Form", "type": "DelimitedFile", "connectorClass": "sailpoint.connector.DelimitedFileConnector", "connectorScriptName": "delimited-file-angularsc", "description": "Migrated app - Extended Form (original ID: 0a59c7196d2917f8aa6d29686e6600fb)", "deleteThreshold": 10, "provisionAsCsv": false, "owner": { "type": "IDENTITY", "id": "0a59c7196d2917f8816d29685fed00c3", "name": "" }, "connectorAttributes": { "beforemoveAccount": "Do Nothing", "beforemoverAccount": "Do Nothing", "busApp": "false", "file": "Empty", "filetransport": "local", "filterEmptyRecords": "true", "group.filetransport": "local", "group.filterEmptyRecords": "true", "group.partitionMode": "auto", "hasHeader": "true", "indexColumn": "ID", "isCaseInsensitiveMerge": "false", "isSortedByIndexColumn": "false", "loaProcess": "Do Nothing", "ltdProcess": "Do Nothing", "mergeRows": "false", "moverProcess": "Do Nothing", "moverRevocation": "Do Nothing", "nativeChangeDetectionAttributeScope": "entitlements", "nativeChangeDetectionEnabled": "false", "nativeChangeProcess": "Do Nothing", "parseType": "delimited", "partitionMode": "auto", "policyType": "Do Nothing", "rehireProcess": "Do Nothing", "reverseleaverProcess": "Do Nothing", "rtwloaProcess": "Do Nothing", "rtwltdProcess": "Do Nothing", "stopIfLineHasWrongColumnLength": "false", "templateApplication": "DelimitedFile Template", "terminationProcess": "Do Nothing" }, "schemas": [], "provisioningPolicies": [], "features": [ "DIRECT_PERMISSIONS", "NO_RANDOM_ACCESS", "DISCOVER_SCHEMA" ] } } ] }

    data binaryrequired

    JSON file containing the objects to be imported.

    name stringrequired

    Name that will be assigned to the uploaded file.


Upload job accepted and queued for processing.


    jobId stringrequired

    Unique id assigned to this job.

    status stringrequired


    Status of the job.

    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [BACKUP, DRAFT]

    Type of the job, either Backup or Draft.

    tenant string

    The name of the tenant performing the upload

    requesterName string

    The name of the requester.

    created date-timerequired

    The time the job was started.

    modified date-timerequired

    The time of the last update to the job.

    name string

    The name assigned to the upload file in the request body.

    userCanDelete boolean

    Default value: true

    Is the job a regular backup job, if so is the user allowed to delete the backup file. Since this is an upload job it remains as false.

    isPartial boolean

    Is the job a regular backup job, if so is it partial. Since this is an upload job it remains as false.

    backupType string

    Possible values: [UPLOADED, AUTOMATED, MANUAL]

    What kind of backup is this being treated as.

    hydrationStatus string

    Possible values: [HYDRATED, NOT_HYDRATED]

    have the objects contained in the upload file been hydrated.
