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Get Org configuration settings




This API is currently in an experimental state. The API is subject to change based on feedback and further testing. You must include the X-SailPoint-Experimental header and set it to true to use this endpoint.

Get org configuration with only external (org admin) accessible properties for the current org.


Header Parameters

    X-SailPoint-Experimental stringrequired

    Default value: true

    Use this header to enable this experimental API.

    Example: true


Request succeeded.


    orgName string

    The name of the org.

    timeZone string

    The selected time zone which is to be used for the org. This directly affects when scheduled tasks are executed. Valid options can be found at /beta/org-config/valid-time-zones

    lcsChangeHonorsSourceEnableFeature boolean

    Flag to determine whether the LCS_CHANGE_HONORS_SOURCE_ENABLE_FEATURE flag is enabled for the current org.

    armCustomerId stringnullable

    ARM Customer ID

    armSapSystemIdMappings stringnullable

    A list of IDN::sourceId to ARM::systemId mappings.

    armAuth stringnullable

    ARM authentication string

    armDb stringnullable

    ARM database name

    armSsoUrl stringnullable


    iaiEnableCertificationRecommendations boolean

    Flag to determine whether IAI Certification Recommendations are enabled for the current org



  • Array [

  • columnName string

    Name of column in report

    required boolean

    If true, column is required in all reports, and this entry is immutable. A 400 error will result from any attempt to modify the column's definition.

    included boolean

    If true, column is included in the report. A 400 error will be thrown if an attempt is made to set included=false if required==true.

    order int32

    Possible values: <= 2147483647

    Relative sort order for the column. Columns will be displayed left-to-right in nondecreasing order.

  • ]
