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Get MAIL FROM Attributes




This API is currently in an experimental state. The API is subject to change based on feedback and further testing. You must include the X-SailPoint-Experimental header and set it to true to use this endpoint.

Retrieve MAIL FROM attributes for a given AWS SES identity.


Query Parameters

    id stringrequired

    Returns the MX and TXT record to be put in your DNS, as well as the MAIL FROM domain status

Header Parameters

    X-SailPoint-Experimental stringrequired

    Default value: true

    Use this header to enable this experimental API.

    Example: true


MAIL FROM Attributes object


    identity string

    The email identity

    mailFromDomain string

    The name of a domain that an email identity uses as a custom MAIL FROM domain

    mxRecord string

    MX record that is required in customer's DNS to allow the domain to receive bounce and complaint notifications that email providers send you

    txtRecord string

    TXT record that is required in customer's DNS in order to prove that Amazon SES is authorized to send email from your domain

    mailFromDomainStatus string

    Possible values: [PENDING, SUCCESS, FAILED]

    The current status of the MAIL FROM verification
