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Get an Access Profile



This API returns an Access Profile by its ID.

A token with API, ORG_ADMIN, ROLE_ADMIN, ROLE_SUBADMIN, SOURCE_ADMIN, or SOURCE_SUBADMIN authority is required to call this API.


Path Parameters

    id stringrequired

    ID of the Access Profile

    Example: 2c9180837ca6693d017ca8d097500149


An AccessProfile


    id string

    The ID of the Access Profile

    name stringrequired

    Name of the Access Profile

    description stringnullable

    Information about the Access Profile

    created date-time

    Date the Access Profile was created

    modified date-time

    Date the Access Profile was last modified.

    enabled boolean

    Default value: true

    Whether the Access Profile is enabled. If the Access Profile is enabled then you must include at least one Entitlement.




    Owner of the Access Profile

    type string

    Possible values: [IDENTITY]

    Owner type. This field must be either left null or set to 'IDENTITY' on input, otherwise a 400 Bad Request error will result.

    id string

    Identity id

    name string

    Human-readable display name of the owner. It may be left null or omitted in a POST or PATCH. If set, it must match the current value of the owner's display name, otherwise a 400 Bad Request error will result.




    id string

    The ID of the Source with with which the Access Profile is associated

    type string

    Possible values: [SOURCE]

    The type of the Source, will always be SOURCE

    name string

    The display name of the associated Source




    A list of entitlements associated with the Access Profile. If enabled is false this is allowed to be empty otherwise it needs to contain at least one Entitlement.

  • Array [

  • type string

    Possible values: [ENTITLEMENT]

    Entitlement's DTO type.

    id string

    Entitlement's ID.

    name stringnullable

    Entitlement's display name.

  • ]

  • requestable boolean

    Default value: true

    Whether the Access Profile is requestable via access request. Currently, making an Access Profile non-requestable is only supported for customers enabled with the new Request Center. Otherwise, attempting to create an Access Profile with a value false in this field results in a 400 error.




    Access request configuration for this object

    commentsRequired booleannullable

    Whether the requester of the containing object must provide comments justifying the request

    denialCommentsRequired booleannullable

    Whether an approver must provide comments when denying the request




    List describing the steps in approving the request

  • Array [

  • approverType string


    Describes the individual or group that is responsible for an approval step. Values are as follows. APP_OWNER: The owner of the Application

    OWNER: Owner of the associated Access Profile or Role

    SOURCE_OWNER: Owner of the Source associated with an Access Profile

    MANAGER: Manager of the Identity making the request

    GOVERNANCE_GROUP: A Governance Group, the ID of which is specified by the approverId field

    approverId stringnullable

    Id of the specific approver, used only when approverType is GOVERNANCE_GROUP

  • ]

  • revocationRequestConfig



    Revocation request configuration for this object.




    List describing the steps in approving the revocation request

  • Array [

  • approverType string


    Describes the individual or group that is responsible for an approval step. Values are as follows. APP_OWNER: The owner of the Application

    OWNER: Owner of the associated Access Profile or Role

    SOURCE_OWNER: Owner of the Source associated with an Access Profile

    MANAGER: Manager of the Identity making the request

    GOVERNANCE_GROUP: A Governance Group, the ID of which is specified by the approverId field

    approverId stringnullable

    Id of the specific approver, used only when approverType is GOVERNANCE_GROUP

  • ]

  • segments string[]nullable

    List of IDs of segments, if any, to which this Access Profile is assigned.




    When an Identity has multiple Accounts on the Source with which an Access Profile is associated, this expression is evaluated against those Accounts to choose one to provision with the Access Profile.

    operation ProvisioningCriteriaOperation (string)

    Possible values: [EQUALS, NOT_EQUALS, CONTAINS, HAS, AND, OR]

    Supported operations on ProvisioningCriteria

    attribute stringnullable

    Name of the Account attribute to be tested. If operation is one of EQUALS, NOT_EQUALS, CONTAINS, or HAS, this field is required. Otherwise, specifying it is an error.

    value stringnullable

    String value to test the Account attribute w/r/t the specified operation. If the operation is one of EQUALS, NOT_EQUALS, or CONTAINS, this field is required. Otherwise, specifying it is an error. If the Attribute is not String-typed, it will be converted to the appropriate type.




    Array of child criteria. Required if the operation is AND or OR, otherwise it must be left null. A maximum of three levels of criteria are supported, including leaf nodes.

  • Array [

  • operation ProvisioningCriteriaOperation (string)

    Possible values: [EQUALS, NOT_EQUALS, CONTAINS, HAS, AND, OR]

    Supported operations on ProvisioningCriteria

    attribute stringnullable

    Name of the Account attribute to be tested. If operation is one of EQUALS, NOT_EQUALS, CONTAINS, or HAS, this field is required. Otherwise, specifying it is an error.

    value stringnullable

    String value to test the Account attribute w/r/t the specified operation. If the operation is one of EQUALS, NOT_EQUALS, or CONTAINS, this field is required. Otherwise, specifying it is an error. If the Attribute is not String-typed, it will be converted to the appropriate type.




    Array of child criteria. Required if the operation is AND or OR, otherwise it must be left null. A maximum of three levels of criteria are supported, including leaf nodes.

  • Array [

  • operation ProvisioningCriteriaOperation (string)

    Possible values: [EQUALS, NOT_EQUALS, CONTAINS, HAS, AND, OR]

    Supported operations on ProvisioningCriteria

    attribute stringnullable

    Name of the Account attribute to be tested. If operation is one of EQUALS, NOT_EQUALS, CONTAINS, or HAS, this field is required. Otherwise, specifying it is an error.

    value string

    String value to test the Account attribute w/r/t the specified operation. If the operation is one of EQUALS, NOT_EQUALS, or CONTAINS, this field is required. Otherwise, specifying it is an error. If the Attribute is not String-typed, it will be converted to the appropriate type.

    children stringnullable

    Array of child criteria. Required if the operation is AND or OR, otherwise it must be left null. A maximum of three levels of criteria are supported, including leaf nodes.

  • ]

  • ]
