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Delete Access Profile(s)



This endpoint initiates a bulk deletion of one or more access profiles. When the request is successful, the endpoint returns the bulk delete's task result ID. To follow the task, you can use Get Task Status by ID, which will return the task result's status and information. This endpoint can only bulk delete up to a limit of 50 access profiles per request. By default, if any of the indicated access profiles are in use, no deletions will be performed and the inUse field of the response indicates the usages that must be removed first. If the request field bestEffortOnly is true, however, usages are reported in the inUse response field but all other indicated access profiles will be deleted. A token with API, ORG_ADMIN, SOURCE_ADMIN, or SOURCE_SUBADMIN authority is required to call this endpoint. In addition, a SOURCE_SUBADMIN can only use this endpoint to delete access profiles associated with sources they're able to administer.




    accessProfileIds string[]

    List of IDs of Access Profiles to be deleted.

    bestEffortOnly boolean

    If true, silently skip over any of the specified Access Profiles if they cannot be deleted because they are in use. If false, no deletions will be attempted if any of the Access Profiles are in use.


Returned only if bestEffortOnly is false, and one or more Access Profiles are in use.


    taskId string

    ID of the task which is executing the bulk deletion. This can be passed to the /task-status API to track status.

    pending string[]

    List of IDs of Access Profiles which are pending deletion.



    List of usages of Access Profiles targeted for deletion.

  • Array [

  • accessProfileId string

    ID of the Access Profile that is in use



    List of references to objects which are using the indicated Access Profile

  • Array [

  • type string

    Possible values: [ROLE]

    DTO type of role using the access profile.

    id string

    ID of role using the access profile.

    name string

    Display name of role using the access profile.

  • ]

  • ]
