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Create security network configuration.



This API returns the details of an org's network auth configuration. Requires security scope of: 'sp:auth-org:manage'




Network configuration creation request body. The following constraints ensure the request body conforms to certain logical guidelines, which are:

  1. Each string element in the range array must be a valid ip address or ip subnet mask.

  2. Each string element in the geolocation array must be 2 characters, and they can only be uppercase letters.

    range string[]nullable

    The collection of ip ranges.

    geolocation string[]nullable

    The collection of country codes.

    whitelisted boolean

    Denotes whether the provided lists are whitelisted or blacklisted for geo location.


Network configuration for the tenant.


    range string[]nullable

    The collection of ip ranges.

    geolocation string[]nullable

    The collection of country codes.

    whitelisted boolean

    Denotes whether the provided lists are whitelisted or blacklisted for geo location.
