Query for Audit events
This endpoint provides a search engine for Audit Events by optionally combining entity_type, type, and subject_id to narrow down the audit events. An Entity Type of Profile links up to the AuditableProfile types. An Entity Type of WorkflowSession links up to the AuditableWorkflow types. An Entity Type of Get/Post/Patch/Delete links up to the AuditableApi types. The remaining Entity Types link up to the ActiveRecord types (configuration changes).
- application/json
Array [
The page of pagination for these events.
A column that we are sorting these records from.
The limiting count for the amount of records returned.
Possible values: [asc
, desc
Which direction the list should be sorted by
Possible values: [Profile
, WorkflowSession
, Email
, FormAttributeForm
, FormAttribute
, Form
, IdproxyPermission
, NeAttributeOption
, NeAttribute
, Notification
, Page
, Permission
, PortalRegistrationWorkflow
, Portal
, ProfileTypeRole
, ProfileType
, RoleProfile
, NeprofileRole
, NeaccessRole
, IdproxyRole
, SecurityQuestion
, UserManager
, UserProfile
, UserRole
, User
, Validation
, VerificationEmail
, WorkflowAction
, CreateWorkflow
, UpdateWorkflow
, AutomatedWorkflow
, BatchWorkflow
, ExpirationWorkflow
, InvitationWorkflow
, LoginWorkflow
, PasswordResetWorkflow
, RegistrationWorkflow
, Get
, Post
, Patch
, Delete
Categorization of audit event.
Possible values: [AuditableProfileCreate
, AuditableProfileUpdate
, AuditableProfileDestroy
, AuditableBulkProfileUpdate
, AuditableProfileContributorAdd
, AuditableProfileContributorRemove
, AuditableProfileContributorRoleAdd
, AuditableProfileContributorRoleRemove
, AuditableProfileOwnerUpdate
, AuditableProfileWorkflowEvent
, AuditableWorkflowActionSkippedEvent
, AuditableWorkflowApprovedEvent
, AuditableWorkflowApprovedEvent
, AuditableWorkflowAssignedEvent
, AuditableWorkflowAutoAssignedEvent
, AuditableWorkflowBatchCompleteEvent
, AuditableWorkflowClosedEvent
, AuditableWorkflowDuplicateCheckStartEvent
, AuditableWorkflowDuplicateResolutionEvent
, AuditableWorkflowFailedEvent
, AuditableWorkflowIdentityProofedEvent
, AuditableWorkflowInvitationSentEvent
, AuditableWorkflowLdapProvidedEvent
, AuditableWorkflowNotificationSentEvent
, AuditableWorkflowPendingApprovalEvent
, AuditableWorkflowPendingAssignmentEvent
, AuditableWorkflowPendingFulfillmentEvent
, AuditableWorkflowFulfilledEvent
, AuditableWorkflowPendingIdentityProofEvent
, AuditableWorkflowPendingLdapEvent
, AuditableWorkflowPendingRequestEvent
, AuditableWorkflowPendingReviewEvent
, AuditableWorkflowProfileCreatedEvent
, AuditableWorkflowProfileSelectEvent
, AuditableWorkflowProfileUpdatedEvent
, AuditableWorkflowRejectedEvent
, AuditableWorkflowRequestMadeEvent
, AuditableWorkflowRestApiEvent
, AuditableWorkflowReviewedEvent
, AuditableWorkflowRunningWorkflowEvent
, AuditableWorkflowSoapApiEvent
, AuditableWorkflowStatusChangedEvent
, AuditableWorkflowStoredProcedureEvent
, AuditableWorkflowUnassignEvent
, AuditableWorkflowWaitingForWorkflowEvent
, AuditableWorkflowWorkflowChangedEvent
, ActiveRecordCreate
, ActiveRecordUpdate
, ActiveRecordDestroy
, AuditableApiEvent
The type of audit event
Identifier of the subject
- 200
- 400
- 500
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
Array [
Possible values: [Profile
, WorkflowSession
, Email
, FormAttributeForm
, FormAttribute
, Form
, IdproxyPermission
, NeAttributeOption
, NeAttribute
, Notification
, Page
, Permission
, PortalRegistrationWorkflow
, Portal
, ProfileTypeRole
, ProfileType
, RoleProfile
, NeprofileRole
, NeaccessRole
, IdproxyRole
, SecurityQuestion
, UserManager
, UserProfile
, UserRole
, User
, Validation
, VerificationEmail
, WorkflowAction
, CreateWorkflow
, UpdateWorkflow
, AutomatedWorkflow
, BatchWorkflow
, ExpirationWorkflow
, InvitationWorkflow
, LoginWorkflow
, PasswordResetWorkflow
, RegistrationWorkflow
, Get
, Post
, Patch
, Delete
Categorization of audit event.
Possible values: [AuditableProfileCreate
, AuditableProfileUpdate
, AuditableProfileDestroy
, AuditableBulkProfileUpdate
, AuditableProfileContributorAdd
, AuditableProfileContributorRemove
, AuditableProfileContributorRoleAdd
, AuditableProfileContributorRoleRemove
, AuditableProfileOwnerUpdate
, AuditableProfileWorkflowEvent
, AuditableWorkflowActionSkippedEvent
, AuditableWorkflowApprovedEvent
, AuditableWorkflowApprovedEvent
, AuditableWorkflowAssignedEvent
, AuditableWorkflowAutoAssignedEvent
, AuditableWorkflowBatchCompleteEvent
, AuditableWorkflowClosedEvent
, AuditableWorkflowDuplicateCheckStartEvent
, AuditableWorkflowDuplicateResolutionEvent
, AuditableWorkflowFailedEvent
, AuditableWorkflowIdentityProofedEvent
, AuditableWorkflowInvitationSentEvent
, AuditableWorkflowLdapProvidedEvent
, AuditableWorkflowNotificationSentEvent
, AuditableWorkflowPendingApprovalEvent
, AuditableWorkflowPendingAssignmentEvent
, AuditableWorkflowPendingFulfillmentEvent
, AuditableWorkflowFulfilledEvent
, AuditableWorkflowPendingIdentityProofEvent
, AuditableWorkflowPendingLdapEvent
, AuditableWorkflowPendingRequestEvent
, AuditableWorkflowPendingReviewEvent
, AuditableWorkflowProfileCreatedEvent
, AuditableWorkflowProfileSelectEvent
, AuditableWorkflowProfileUpdatedEvent
, AuditableWorkflowRejectedEvent
, AuditableWorkflowRequestMadeEvent
, AuditableWorkflowRestApiEvent
, AuditableWorkflowReviewedEvent
, AuditableWorkflowRunningWorkflowEvent
, AuditableWorkflowSoapApiEvent
, AuditableWorkflowStatusChangedEvent
, AuditableWorkflowStoredProcedureEvent
, AuditableWorkflowUnassignEvent
, AuditableWorkflowWaitingForWorkflowEvent
, AuditableWorkflowWorkflowChangedEvent
, ActiveRecordCreate
, ActiveRecordUpdate
, ActiveRecordDestroy
, AuditableApiEvent
The type of audit event
Identifier of the subject
Bad Request - unable to complete.
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- InvalidJson
- ValidationErrors
Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions.
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
A message describing the error
"error": "Sorry something went wrong"