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Get users



This endpoint can retrieve users from Lifecycle or you can search for users using parameters


Query Parameters

    query object

    Allows for pagination and sorting.

    name string

    object name for filtering

    login string

    The user login to search by

    title string

    The user title to search by

    status string

    Possible values: [Active, Inactive, On Leave, Terminated]

    status value for filtering

    email email

    The user email to search by

    metadata boolean

    Returns batching metadata in the response


Expected response to a valid request




  • Array [

  • id uuid

    ID of the object to retrieve or update

    uid string

    Possible values: >= 32 characters and <= 32 characters

    UID of the user

    name string

    The name

    email email

    The email

    type string

    Possible values: [NeprofileUser, NeaccessUser]

    Default value: NeprofileUser

    Type of user

    title string

    The title

    status string

    Possible values: [Active, Disabled]

    Status of the user

    login string

    The login

    last_login date-time

    When the user last logged in

    cookies_accepted_at date-time

    When cookies were accepted

    preferred_language string

    The locale the user prefers to use

    locale string

    The locale the user prefers to use

  • ]

  • _metadata


    limit integer
    offset integer
    total integer
    next string
    previous string