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Get profiles



Get profiles


Query Parameters

    query object

    Allows for pagination and sorting.

    exclude_attributes boolean

    Allows for optimization by not returning the associated attribute data for the returned profiles

    name string

    object name for filtering

    profile_type_id uuid

    Profile Type ID for filtering

    status string

    Possible values: [Active, Inactive, On Leave, Terminated]

    status value for filtering

    metadata boolean

    Returns batching metadata in the response


Expected response to a valid request

    profiles object[]
  • Array [
  • id uuid

    The objects ID

    uid string

    Possible values: >= 32 characters and <= 32 characters

    The objects UID

    name string

    This is the name of the profile.

    profile_type_id uuid

    This is the ID of the profile type the profile belongs to

    status string

    Possible values: [Active, Inactive, On Leave, Terminated]

    This is the status of the profile

    id_proofing_status string

    Possible values: [pending, pass, fail]

    This is the ID proofing staus of the profile

    created_at date-time

    The date and time the profile was created

    updated_at date-time

    The date and time the profile was updated

    attributes object

    Attributes that belong to this profile.

    property name* string
  • ]
  • _metadata object
    limit integer
    offset integer
    total integer
    next string
    previous string