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Get attribute data in bulk



This endpoint can retrieve attribute data in bulk from Lifecycle or you can search for attributes using parameters


Query Parameters

    query object

    Allows for pagination and sorting.

    label string

    The attribute label to filter by

    data_type string

    Possible values: [text field, text area, drop-down, radio buttons, check boxes, date, tags, attachment, profile select, profile search, owner select, owner search, contributor select, contributor search]

    The attribute data type to filter by

    metadata boolean

    Returns batching metadata in the response


Expected response to a valid request




  • Array [

  • id uuid

    The id of the attribute

    uid string

    Possible values: >= 32 characters and <= 32 characters

    The uid of the attribute

    label string

    The label for the attribute

    description string

    A description of the attribute

    tool_tip string

    The helper text that accompanies the attribute

    crypt boolean

    Whether the attribute is encrypted

    archived boolean

    Whether the attribute is archived

    archived_on date-time

    When the attribute was archived

    created_at date-time

    When the attribute was created

    updated_at date-time

    When the attribute was updated

    date_format string

    Possible values: [mm/dd/yyyy, mm-dd-yyyy, dd/mm/yyyy, dd-mm-yyyy, yyyy/mm/dd, yyyy-mm-dd]

    The format of the date input if it is a date input

    selectable_status string

    The status of the profiles that can be selected

    risk_type string

    Type of risk that applies to the attribute

    ownership_driven boolean

    Only shows profiles that the user currently has access to, to be selected

    allow_multiple_selections boolean

    Whether or not multiple selections can be made on something like a contributor search.

    filtered_by_ne_attribute boolean

    Whether or not the attribute is filtered by another attribute

    filtering_ne_attribute_id uuid

    The ID of the filtering attribute

    ne_attribute_filter_id uuid

    The ID of the attribute filter



    id uuid

    The id of the attribute

    uid string

    Possible values: >= 32 characters and <= 32 characters

    The uid of the attribute

    label string

    The label for the attribute

    description string

    A description of the attribute

    tool_tip string

    The helper text that accompanies the attribute

    crypt boolean

    Whether or not the attribute is encrypted

    archived boolean

    Whether the attribute is archived

    archived_on date-time

    When the attribute was archived

    created_at date-time

    When the attribute was created

    updated_at date-time

    When the attribute was last updated

    date_format string

    Possible values: [mm/dd/yyyy, mm-dd-yyyy, dd/mm/yyyy, dd-mm-yyyy, yyyy/mm/dd, yyyy-mm-dd]

    The format of the date input if it is a date input

    selectable_status string

    The status of the profiles that can be selected

    risk_score_setting string

    What setting is used for the risk score

    risk_type string

    Type of risk that applies to the attribute

    ownership_driven boolean

    Only shows profiles that the user currently has access to, to be selected

    allow_multiple_selections boolean

    Whether or not multiple selections can be made on something like a contributor search.

    filtered_by_ne_attribute boolean

    Whether or not the attribute is filtered by another attribute

    filtering_ne_attribute_id uuid

    The ID of the filtering attribute

    ne_attribute_filter_id uuid

    The ID of the attribute filter

    reverse_association_attribute_id uuid

    The ID of the attribute used with reverse association

    profile_type_id uuid

    The ID of the profile type the attribute applies to

    legacy_id uuid

    The legacy ID

    tmp_created_at date-time

    the temp of when attribute was created

    tmp_updated_at date-time

    the temp of when attribute was last updated

    profile_type_id uuid

    The ID of the profile type the attribute applies to

    data_type string

    Possible values: [text field, text area, drop-down, radio buttons, check boxes, date, tags, attachment, profile select, profile search, owner select, owner search, contributor select, contributor search]

    The type of data that applies to the attribute

    type string

    Possible values: [AttachmentAttribute, CheckBoxesAttribute, ContributorSearchAttribute, ContributorSelectAttribute, DateAttribute, DropDownAttribute, OwnerSearchAttribute, OwnerSelectAttribute, ProfileSearchAttribute, ProfileSelectAttribute, RadioButtonsAttribute, TagsAttribute, TextAreaAttribute, TextFieldAttribute]

    The attribute's type

  • ]

  • _metadata


    limit integer
    offset integer
    total integer
    next string
    previous string