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Create a run workflow action



Create a run workflow action. The following supporting objects will need to be created after this action is created (which are tied together via workflow_action_id) - configuration_profile_attribute. These supporting objects must be created for this action to be complete (APIs for these supporting objects not yet implemented, use UI).






    workflow_id uuid

    The workflow the workflow action belongs to.

    description string

    The description of the workflow action.

    archived boolean

    If the workflow action is archived or not.



    id uuid

    the id.

    workflow_id uuid

    the id of the workflow.

    wait_for_completion boolean

    If the parent workflow should wait for the child to complete.

    profile_to_send string

    Possible values: [none, current, attribute, profile_type]

    the profile the parent should send to the child workflow.

    return_profile boolean

    if the child workflow should return a profile.

    run_workflow_action_id uuid

    the id of the child workflow to run.

    profile_type_id uuid

    the id of the profile type.


Expected response to a valid request




    workflow_id uuid

    The workflow the workflow action belongs to.

    description string

    The description of the workflow action.

    page_id uuid

    The page the workflow action should render.

    add_requester_as_owner boolean

    Default value: true

    If the requester should be added as the owner of the profile to be created.

    email_attribute_id uuid

    The attribute storing the email address for the workflow action.

    email_addresses text[]

    The email addresses for the workflow action.

    new_status text

    The new status for the Status Change workflow action.

    archived boolean

    If the workflow action is archived or not.

    skippable boolean

    If the workflow action is skippable or not.

    requires_comment boolean

    If the workflow action requires a comment or not.
