Updates an existing User.
The endpoint used to update a User resource. There are attributes marked as 'returned only by request', such as roles, which must be provided as part of the attributes query parameter in order to be included in the response.
In order for Lifecycle Events to have access to previous Identity values, a new IdentityArchive object is created and saved to the database. This feature is turned on by default and could have an impact on the overall performance of the SCIM update. It is not expected for the impact of this change to be noticeable, but in cases where it is, and when configured Lifecycle Events are not dependent on the previous Identity attributes, the creation of the IdentityArchive object during a SCIM update is configurable. By default, the IdentityArchive creation during a SCIM update is enabled. To disable the creation of the IdentityArchive object during SCIM updates, the following attribute can be set on the SystemConfiguration object:
<entry key="scimTriggerSnapshots" value="false">
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