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Returns all ServiceProviderConfig resources.



This endpoint returns all ServiceProviderConfig resources.

Attributes to include in the response can be specified with the 'attributes' query parameter.

Attributes to exclude from the response can be specified with the 'excludedAttributes' query parameter.

The schema related to ServiceProviderConfig is:

  • urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:sailpoint:2.0:ServiceProviderConfig



Returned all SCIM resources for this endpoint.

    totalResults integer

    Number of resources returned for this endpoint.

    startIndex integer

    The starting index of the resource set list. Can be specified with startIndex query parameter.

    schemas string[]

    SCIM Schema used for response.

    Resources undefined[]
  • Array [
  • documentationUri string

    An HTTP addressable URL pointing to the service provider's human consumable help documentation.

    patch objectrequired

    A complex type that specifies PATCH configuration options.

    supported booleanrequired

    Boolean value specifying whether the operation is supported.

    etag objectrequired

    A complex type that specifies ETAG configuration options.

    supported booleanrequired

    Boolean value specifying whether the operation is supported.

    bulk objectrequired

    A complex type that specifies ETAG configuration options.

    supported booleanrequired

    Boolean value specifying whether the operation is supported.

    maxOperations integerrequired

    An integer value specifying the maximum number of operations.

    maxPayloadSize integerrequired

    An integer value specifying the maximum payload size in bytes.

    filter objectrequired

    A complex type that specifies FILTER options.

    supported booleanrequired

    Boolean value specifying whether the operation is supported.

    maxResults integerrequired

    Integer value specifying the maximum number of resources returned in a response.

    changePassword objectrequired

    A complex type that specifies change password options.

    supported booleanrequired

    Boolean value specifying whether the operation is supported.

    sort objectrequired

    A complex type that specifies sort result options.

    supported booleanrequired

    Boolean value specifying whether the operation is supported.

    authenticationSchemes objectrequired

    A complex type that specifies supported Authentication Scheme properties.

    name stringrequired

    The common authentication scheme name; e.g., HTTP Basic.

    description stringrequired

    A description of the authentication scheme.

    specUri string

    An HTTP addressable URL pointing to the Authentication Scheme's specification.

    documentationUri string

    An HTTP addressable URL pointing to the Authentication Scheme's usage documentation.

    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [oauth, oauth2, oauthbearertoken, httpbasic, httpdigest]

    The authentication scheme.

    meta object
    location string

    URL to ServiceProviderConfig resource.

    resourceType string

    Resource type of the metadata subject.

  • ]