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Returns a Role resource based on ID or name.



The Role resource with matching ID or name is returned. Attributes to include in the response can be specified with the 'attributes' query parameter. Attributes to exclude from the response can be specified with the 'excludedAttributes' query parameter. The core schema is urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:sailpoint:1.0:Role.


Path Parameters

    roleId stringrequired

    ID or name of Role resource.

Query Parameters

    lookupByName boolean

    A boolean value that determines if the Role resource will be looked up by name instead of Id (value in path parameter 'roleId'). Setting this query parameter to true will cause the value pulled from the 'roleId' path parameter to be treated as a name when searching for the resource.

    Example: scim/v2/Roles/Data Analyst?lookupByName=true

    attributes string

    The Role attributes to include in the response. The query parameter value is a comma-separated list of fields to be returned in the response for each Role.

    Example: attributes=name,type

    The attributes listed will be the only ones returned in the response, with the exception of id, schemas, and meta, which are always returned for a Role.

    excludedAttributes string

    The Role attributes to exclude frome the response. The query parameter value is a comma-separated list of fields to be excluded from the response for each Role.

    Example: excludedAttributes=permits,requirements

    The attributes listed will be the only ones excluded frome the response, with the exception of id, schemas, and meta, which are always returned for a Role.


Returns a single Role resource based on the ID.


    id string

    IIQ ID of the Role.

    name string

    Unique name for the Role. This name MUST be unique across the entire set of Roles.

    descriptions array

    A list of localized descriptions of the Role.

    type object

    The type of the Role.

    displayableName string

    Displayable name of the Role.

    active boolean

    Flag to indicate this Role is enabled or active.

    activationDate date-time

    The date the Role will turn from inactive/disabled to active/enabled.

    deactivationDate date-time

    The date the Role will turn from active/enabled to inactive/disabled.



    The owner of the Role.

    displayName string

    Display name of the Role owner.

    value string

    ID of the Role owner.

    $ref string

    URI reference of the Role owner resource.



    Parent Roles this role inherits from.

    displayName string

    Display name of the parent Role.

    value string

    ID of the parent Role.

    $ref string

    URI reference of the parent Role resource.



    Roles this role requires. This is normally used with business roles to reference IT roles as a way of indicating which IT roles are required to support a business role.

    displayName string

    Display name of the required Role.

    value string

    ID of the required Role.

    $ref string

    URI reference of the required Role resource.



    Roles this role permits. This is normally used with business roles to reference IT roles as a way of indicating which IT roles are allowed to support a business role.

    displayName string

    Display name of the permitted Role.

    value string

    ID of the permitted Role.

    $ref string

    URI reference of the permitted Role resource.



    Classifications of this Role.

    source string

    The source of the ObjectClassification.

    effective boolean

    Flag indicating this is an effective Classification.



    Classification of this Object.

    name string

    The name of the Classification.

    displayName string

    The displayName of the Classification.

    origin string

    The origin of the Classification.

    type string

    The type of the Classification. This can be used to group Classifications in/across different origins.


    Metadata of the SCIM resource.

    created date-time

    Datetime this Role was created.

    location string

    The location of the SCIM resource.

    lastModified date-time

    Datetime the Role was last modified.

    version string

    The version of the SCIM resource.

    resourceType string

    The SCIM resource type.

    schemas string[]

    The schemas involved in the SCIM resource.
