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Getting Started


This guide is intended to help you quickly make your first API call to SailPoint Identity Security Cloud and assumes an intermediate level of understanding of APIs. For beginners to APIs, we recommend you watch this presentation that covers the fundamentals of APIs with visual demonstrations of how to make an API call in SailPoint.

Find Your Tenant Name

To form the proper URL for an API request, you must know your tenant name. To find your tenant name, log into Identity Security Cloud, navigate to Admin, select the Dashboard dropdown, and select Overview. The org name is displayed within the Org Details section of the dashboard. If you do not have admin access, you can still find your tenant name and the API base URL you will use for API calls. To do so, view your session details when you are logged into your Identity Security Cloud instance. Change your URL to the following: https://{your-Identity Security Cloud-hostname}.com/ui/session, where {your-Identity Security Cloud-hostname} is your company's domain name for accessing Identity Security Cloud. The session detail you want is the baseUrl, which has the form of https://{tenant}

Make Your First API Call

To get started, create a personal access token, which can then be used to generate access tokens to authenticate your API calls. To generate a personal access token from Identity Security Cloud, after logging into your Identity Security Cloud instance, do the following:

  1. Select Preferences from the drop-down menu under your username. Then select Personal Access Tokens on the left. You can also go straight to the page using this URL, replacing {tenant} with your Identity Security Cloud tenant: https://{tenant}

  2. Select New Token and enter a meaningful description to differentiate the token from others.


The New Token button will be disabled when you reach the limit of 10 personal access tokens per user. To avoid reaching this limit, delete any tokens that are no longer needed.

  1. Select Create Token to generate and view two components the token comprises: the Secret and the Client ID.


    After you create the token, the value of the Client ID will be visible in the Personal Access Tokens list, but the corresponding Secret will not be visible after you close the window. Store the Secret somewhere secure.

  2. Copy both values somewhere that will be secure and accessible to you when you need to use the the token.

  3. To create an access_token that can be used to authenticate API requests, use the following cURL command, replacing {tenant} with your Identity Security Cloud tenant. The response body will contain an access_token, which will look like a long string of random characters.

curl --location --request POST 'https://{tenant}{client_id}&client_secret={secret}'
  1. To test your access_token, execute the following cURL command, replacing {tenant} with your Identity Security Cloud tenant and access_token with the token you generated in the previous step. If this is successful, you should get a JSON representation of an identity in your tenant.
curl --request GET --url 'https://{tenant}' --header 'authorization: Bearer {access_token}'

For more information about SailPoint Platform authentication, see API Authentication

Rate Limits

There is a rate limit of 100 requests per access_token per 10 seconds for V3 API calls through the API gateway. If you exceed the rate limit, expect the following response from the API:

HTTP Status Code: 429 Too Many Requests


  • Retry-After: [seconds to wait before rate limit resets]

API Tools

There are several API tools that make exploring and testing APIs easier than using the command line or a programming language. One tool is Postman. SailPoint provides an official Postman workspace where our collections are always up to date with the latest API changes. Click here to get started with our Postman workspace.